Darkfang's Plan & First Meeting

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Darkfang had always been a really rather... Grumpy, she-cat, but- today, she was feeling more grumpy than usual, which would mean a very, very, very bad day for Silveredge, her secret crush. She'd never show her true emotions for him, but instead simply stalked him, made his life more miserable than it already was, then walk off. All in all, she loved to see every cat suffer. And, luckily for Silveredge, today she wasn't coming to bother him. Today, Darkfang was planning something. Darkfang was planning the end of the Clans. This was her plan: She'd gather up every single cat in the dark forest, train every cat they were able to control, tell them that the uncontrolled cats were planning to leave to be kittypets and they just had to be stopped! They would fight, fight for a long time. And nobody would ever suspect that they weren't StarClan cats! That, of course would mean getting rid of all the medicine cats of course, but medicine cats can't fight! Darkfang, thought her hunch a very good one indeed. And so it was. No cat would suspect it. Darkfang thought- for the thirteenth time before hurrying over to snarl at Gopherclaw, about the plan. "Oh, oh, oh! No cat will suspect, those frog-brained fools!" She snarled, in a very nasty, amused way. "Oh yes, oh yes. I do love a little game of revenge!" Then the evil she-cat raced off to complain to Gopherclaw, she needed an arguement.


"Blackfire..." Drawled Darkfang, her voice fake and sugary, "I have some bad news! Several cats from each Clan are meeting at Fourtrees almost every night- and talking about leaving the Clans!" She mewed, licking her right front paw, and then drawing over her left ear, calmly. "What?" Hissed the jet-black tom, shocked. "Yes," Darkfang sighed, "but may not mention this to anyone! Anyone at all!" Instructed Darkfang, her eyes glinted, mockingly. This, Blackfire did not see, of course, or he would have wondered if she was a real StarClan cat. Anyway, normal warriors don't get visits from StarClan, be told of dreadful things or prophecies that cannot be said once more, and- if this was StarClan, Blackfire thought to himself, I think I'd rather not go to StarClan! "Now, you have a good rest.... By the way, this is only our first meeting!" Darkfang almost snarled, though trying to make her voice sweet and shy- though failing epically in every sense in the word. Then, the she-cat's image began to fade, and Blackfire slept peacefully for the rest of the night. And far away, in the MistClan camp, the same things were happening to Sharpleaf...

"Are you sure?" Sharpleaf asked, his eyes wide with amazement. "I- I... I don't mean I think you're wrong but... Which cats are doing this? Any cats in MistClan, Joythorn?" He added. The brown tabby she-cat shook her head, "I did say a few cats from every clan- didn't I?" She snapped. Sharpleaf nodded, a little embarassed. "Yes." Joythorn's eyes gleamed: "Well, then, have a good night's rest! And remember, this is only our First Meeting, be loyal to your Clan, and... Oh! Don't tell any other cat, not even your mate or Dewstar!" She instructed. Then, Joythorn raced away, and dissolved before the MistClan deputy's eyes. He slept soundly, though for the rest of the night.

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