Ready or not here we come- Part One (Grastal)

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(Hey everyone I'm sooooooo sorry for not updating in such a long ass time but here I am. I tried combining Crystal's name with Gray's but I don't know tell me what you think of it)

Lucy's POV

After that conversation I had with Natsu in my head two days ago, he couldn't stop talking and it was annoying. So I went to the guilds library and found the book I was looking for after 2 hours. I went back home to put on my reading glasses to speed up the reading.

"Wait this doesn't make since at all" I said stopping at the end of the book. I started to read it over and over again but it still doesn't make since.

"That's odd" I was so focused on the book that I didn't check the time. "O my hell it's already night" But then an idea hit me.

I grabbed a candle and lit it up.

"I hope this works" I ripped a page from the book and put it above the light. I waited for a bit and suddenly some letters started to appear. My eyes widen and I smiled.

"Alright lets see what it says now" I say putting the paper on my desk and turning on the light.

I began to read "Beware this is the most dangerous season in man kind no one really knows what happens because they never live to tell only the mates of the Dragon slayers know but they would go missing for years....." I trailed off shock but I continued on reading.

"All we know is that it's the most dangerous one of all. Their has never been siblings before but if someday their is.... it will be the death of all of us." I stopped reading 'This can't be happening.' I thought.

"But it is" Natsu said in my head.

"Shut up Natsu get out of my head and go to sleep."

"Am I really in your head" he said like he was saying it seductively in my ear.

My eyes widen I stood their frozen in place, scared if he was right behind me I quickly turned around to see if he was their.... but he wasn't. I sighed in relief and turned back to my desk and that's when I came eye to eye with Natsu. I gasped scared out of my life. He looked so different he has red eyes, wings, horns.

"AHHH-" Natsu covered my mouth.

"Don't be scared Luce it's just me, Natsu."

He slowly let go of my mouth.

"I need to go to the bathroom" I said and went inside.

"Want me to come with you~" he said.

"No and don't you dare try to get in you perv." I said kind of coldly closing the door and locking it.

"You shouldn't of said that Luce now your going to get punishment later~"

"Tck like that will ever happen" I whispered and looked at the window. 'What am I going to do' I looked around and my eyes landed on my window "Bingo" I mumbled.

"I can hear you Luce even your thoughts"

"Shit" I said getting ready to jump out the window but carefully not to make a sound.

"Such bad language for a gorgeous woman like you Luce, I'm coming in."


"Even better for me to open this door"

"Fucking perv" I mumbled and I was half way out when he said.

"Don't worry Luce just hold on I'm unlocking the door."

I quickly got my whole body outside and started or run for my life to the guild.

Natsu's POV

I opened the door but only to see that the bathroom was empty and the window was open.

I smirked "So the game begins huh, will played Luce but you can't hide from me for long."

Gray's POV

I went home early because of the job I took with Erza and the others. I sat on the couch until I decided to take a shower I got up and went inside the bathroom.

35 minutes later I got out in a black shirt and blue shorts. As I was drying my hair I sensed someone here. So I quickly let go of the towel and went into fighting stance.

"Who's their" I looked around glaring.

"You don't have to worry its only me babe~"


"Yup" She said coming out of her hinding spot.

My eyes widen "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I told you I would find you" She said with a smirk on her face.

"How did you get out of your cell?"

"I thought you would be happier to see me" she said acting hurt.

"I am its just you surprised me that's all" I said and put on the best game smile I can pull off.

Her frown quickly turned into a smirk "Good" she said coming closer to me, pushing me onto the bed. I was surprised because 1-She isn't the kind of girl that would do that 2-Her eyes are turning back to the neon blue like last time 3- and how strong is she able to push me so easily on the bed.

Crystal got on me and smirked, I couldn't do anything because I was chained to the bed frame....WAIT WHAT!?! WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN!?!?!?!

I started to struggle with the chains tying to brake them or freeze them but then Crystal stopped me "Don't think about running away Gray cause their is no point to it I will just track you down" She said still having those glowing eyes.

I then started to feel her fangs hover on my neck it was like she was finding a good spot to do something.

Crystal's POV

After a minute I finally found a good spot to mark Gray as my own but then I looked at him first. He looked confused and uncomfortable, I sighed and unchained him.

"I'm sorry...I didn't want to hurt you or anything..." I said and sat on top of him "I cant control myself anymore unless I mark you as my mate" I added looking up at him.

To my surprise I saw him smirking "I didn't know I was that irresistible for you to lose control of yourself for me." he said and snaked his hands around my waist.

My face started to heat up no doubting that it was as red as Erza's hair "T-that's not w-what I meant" I stuttered.

"I know I just wanted to tease you a bit but back on you marking me, what will it do?" Curiosity was written on his face.

"I guess you'll have to figure it out on your own" I said smirking and leaned down to mark him on the place I chose "This might hurt a bit...or a lot" I said feeling him tense up.

"Wait on second thought I'm not-" He stopped in midsentence and groaned in pain.

Once I was done I looked at what I have done and smiled. It was a blue symbol (The one up top) which looked like it was made out of water and ice, satisfied I lied down with gray, pecked him in the lips and fell asleep.

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