Breaking the news

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Hey guys sorry its been a while since I updated. I'm sorry. Hope u like this chapter! I want you guys to tell me if I should post short chapters but post more often or do u want me to post long chapters but post less often. Also this chapter is gonna be really short it's gonna kinda be like an extra.


Angel's POV

"Angel, what are you going to do?" Came the voices of my friends.

Yes I was still sitting in the bathroom frozen. Then I realized what I was going to do. I told the girls my plan and we continued shopping.

When we got home I went upstairs to my room to get ready.i pulled out the two tests and set them on the bedside table. Next I went into the bathroom and took out my curling iron, all of my make-up, and my outfit ( which was a tight tank top and shorts.) I hopped on the shower and washed my hair and body. I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I blow dried my hair and then carefully curled it into natural waves. I then put on my new panties and bra I got from Victoria Secret and put on the tank top and shorts. I then applied mascara and eyeliner. By the time I had finished I heard Ash coming up the stairs towards the door. I quickly turned off the bathroom light and went into the bedroom and lie down on the bed.

Ash walks in and asks, "what did you need to tell me honey?"

Is it up and say, "Ash, can you come sit down?"

"Sure, Angel your scaring me" he tells me with a worried expression on his face.

"Ash I'm pregnant."

Ash stares at me for about 10 seconds even though they felt like an hour to me. He looked straight into my eyes and knew I wasn't lieing.

"Your pregnant?"

"Yeah and if you don't want the baby I totally understand I mean your so young and you have your life to li-"

Ash grabbed me around the waist and lifted me into the air, "I'm going to be a dad!!" He brought me down and kissed me with all the love in his being.

"Angel, I could never abandon you let alone both you and my child. I will love you both for as long as I live. I love you Angel."

"I love you too, Ash."

That night was the ultimate best sleep I have ever had knowing that me and my unborn child are safe with my mate and their dad.


I'm sorry that it was so short guys!! Let me know if wht option u want for the baby(s)

-single baby

-twins (what genders do you want)

-triplets (what genders)

And remember to.....





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