Meet the pack

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•hey guys, second chapter!!!!! Hope you enjoy• 


Angel'a POV

The next morning I spent extra time picking out my outfit. I put on black boyfriend shorts (from Aéropostale), a black tank top, with an off the shoulder shirt that says "I don't bite", along with black wedges, and some accessories.

As I'm walking down the stairs I think about the day before and how I felt when Ash had touched me for the first time. I always imagined it being more consuming. To the point where we wouldn't be able to ignore the electricity. To the point where we couldn't leave each other'a side without being in pain. Maybe it was because I wasn't a fully turned were yet I don't know. Guess I'll find out in two days.

"Angel are you listening to me" my mother's concerned voice startled me out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry mom, what was it you were saying?"

"I was saying, are you going to start dating again?"

"Oh um, about that mom I sorta

"Well spit it out already!"

"Ifoundmymate" I mumbled all in what sounded like one word.


I take a deep breath an say, "mom I found my mate."

"Oh my gosh!!!!! That's amazing honey!! When do I get to meet him!!??"

"Ok settle down mom, I was hoping I could invite him to come over after school on my birthday?"

"That sounds perfect honey!!! You better get going before you're late for school."

"K, bye mom. Oh and mom I was wondering, Ash wants me to meet the pack today. So is it ok that I won't be home til late?"

"Ya, that's perfectly fine with me honey!"

"Ok bye mom."

"Bye honey!"

I run down the stairs and outside to my truck. I hop in and start driving to the school. When I get to school Ash is leaning against a Ford truck in the parking space next to mine. As I turned off the truck Ash walked over and opened my door.

"Hey Angel" he said and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey Ash, are we still going to the pack house tonight?"

"As long as you're still up for it" he responded as we headed into the school.

"You bet I am!"

"Great, we'll head over after school, ok?"

"Sound good to me" I responded and couldn't stop the smile that appeared on my face as we walked to first period. Oh ya, did I forget to mention that Ash changed his schedule to the same as mine. When we got into the classroom we went to the back of the class and sat next to each other. We didn't talk all through first period. We just listened to the teacher talk. Before I knew it we were done with fourth period and headed to lunch. We got our lunches and started towards the table. I was about to sit down between Ash and Tayva when Ash slipped me onto his lap.

"I hope you don't mind but, it helps calm my wolf with all the guys staring at you."

"It's ok Ash I know exactly how you feel."

Before I knew it eighth period was over and Ash and I were headed towards his car.

"Angel!" I turned around at the sound of my name being screamed and saw Tayva running over towards Ash and I.

"Yes, what is it Taves?

"Are you riding home with Ash?"

"Yeah I am, was there something you needed me to do?"

"Oh no no no. Not at all. I'll see you guys later, bye!"and she ran off as she screamed this.

When we reached Ash's car he opened the door an waited for me to get in before walking around to the other side. We drive in comfortable silence until Everybody Talks by Neon Trees came on.

"This is my favorite song ever!!!!" we yelled at the same time. Just as the song was ending we pulled up to the pack house and got out of the car. Ash put his arm around my waist as we walked up to the house.

"Ok come this way Angel, we'll go meet my mom and dad first, ok?"

"Sounds good to me!"

We walked up a flight of stairs and down a hallway and ended up right in front of a nice oak door. Ashe knocked three times and I heard someone from the other side say "come in." We entered the room, which looked to be an office, to see a man sitting in a chair behind a desk and a women next to him. You could see the obvious resemblance between Ash and what I'm assuming are his parents.

"Oh hi honey! Who is this?" his mother seemed excited yet cautious at the same time.

"Mom, Dad this is my mate Angel."

"Oh my goodness!!!! yelled his mother as she ran towards me and pulled me into a big hug.

"Mom please let go before u suffocate her."

"Oh I'm so sorry sweetie!" she apologized profusely.

"It's ok ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"How are you my dear?" Ash's father asked as he spoke for the first time since I met him.

"Im just fine sir thank you for asking."

"Please call me Eric and my wife Theresa."

"Yes si- I mean Eric."

" Ok mom, dad I'm gonna go introduce her some of the other pack members, ok?" Ash asked as he started pulling me towards the door.

"Ok sweetie, it was great meeting you Angel!!" Theresa responded as we headed out the door.

"It was good meeting you to!" I responded as we left.

After that I met the rest if the pack an started making some friends. Before I knew it, it was 9:00 and Ash was driving me home. When we got to my house Ash leaned in and silently gave me a kiss goodnight.

"Goodnight Angel, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Ash and I can't wait."

When I reached the door I watched Ash pull away and head home. I walked up to my room and fell in my bed into a soundless sleep.


Hope you guys liked this once again vote and post ideas that you may have. And let me know if I need to fix anything. This is my first book so I'm kinda new to this. Thanks guys!!!

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