Tellig the pack

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Hey guys!! This might be a short chapter and I apologize. I might just do short chapters and update sooner. Let me know if that's ok with you. So far for the babies its, triplets and 2 boys and 1 girl.


Angel's POV

I woke up cuddled next to Ash. He was silently snoring next to me. I am so lucky to have a mate that not only accepts me but, also accepts our unborn child.

"Good morning Angel" Ash said startling me out of my thoughts.

"Good morning Ash. I was wondering, can we tell the pack today?"

"We can do whatever you would like to do Angel."

"Ok. We can have the meeting after dinner."

We got up and it dressed. I changed into some shorts and a loose fitting shirt because I was already showing. Werewolf pregnancies usually only last 3 months but, with the alpha gene it will only last 2 1/2 months.

We jut hung out around he house for the day. We watched movies an cuddled on the bed. Ash sat with me next to him and he had a hand on my stomach at all times.

When it was around 3:00 he told the pack to meet at 3:30. I got out of bed and dressed in a jean skirt and a tight black tank top.

Ash and I walked down to the conference room and everyone was there waiting. Ash pulled me up to the front ad started speaking.

"Hello everyone. We have some exciting knees for everyone."

This was my part, "hey everyone, um, we're pregnant!"

I heard cheers all around me. Then I noticed my brother. He looked like he was going to kill Ash. He walked up to Ash until I walked in front of him.

"Why would you complete the mating already?"

"I did it so that I could have the miracle of giving birth to Ash's son or daughter" and with that I put his hands on my stomach. His whole face lit up when he saw how happy I was.

He looked at Ash and said "But I you so much as hurt a hair on my sister's head and your dead."

"I love both you sister and my unborn child. I would never hurt either of them." Ash replies.

"Ok, then I give you my blessing." Cody says back.

Cody walked back out into the crowd after giving me a hug good bye. We were congratulated by tons of people and I was defiantly over whelmed. I was breathing heavily and I didn't know why.

Ash and I started towards the elevator and I all of a sudden felt extremely disy. I was about to fall over when Ash caught me.

The last thing I heard before blacking out was......

"Angel don't leave me!"


Thanks guys!! Hope u enjoyed it!! Remember to




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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