Kidnapped by 2p!England

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It was a normal autumn day for you. However, it really wasn't a normal day. It was Thanksgiving! Suddenly the scent of delicious baked goods filled your nostrils, making you warm inside. You unconsciously followed the smell to a bakery. This was no ordinary bakery though.... It was pink and blue? And a giant sign that said..

"Oliver's Bakery"

You shrugged, deciding "why not go in?"

You walked in and was welcomed by a cheery British accented voice.

"Why hello poppet~! What brings you to my bakery~?" A man asked, cheerfully. The man had short messy light pink hair and baby blue eyes.

"Hello. I smelled your baked goods and decided to come and try some." You shrugged.

"Oh~! I have something extra special for dearies like you~!" He replied, smiling wickedly. He rushed into the back and soon emerged with a beautiful cupcake. The cupcake had pink and blue icing on it with cute little white sprinkles on it, making it deliciously cute!

You blushed and gently took it from him. One you took it from him you reached into your purse to fetch your wallet. But the man stopped you.

"Oh, dearie, you don't have to pay me~! It's free my dear poppet~!" He smiled brightly.

You smiled back at him and took a bite out of the cupcake. However, after you took a bite you started to get light headed.

"Oh dear me! I guess that was the wrong cupcake~!" He giggled, sickly sweetly.

Right before you blacked out you faintly heard him say,

"Happy Thanksgiving, love~!"

~Okay. I know this was short but I wanted to do something for Thanksgiving and so I thought why not do Oliver?

Oliver: Thank you poppet~! Would you like a cupcake~?

No thanks....... Anyways, thanks guys for everything though! I can't thank you guys enough! Thanks and a Happy Thanksgiving!

Hetalia Chatacters: Happy Thanksgiving!

My OCs: Happy Thanksgiving!~

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