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~Yeah! Updated 2 times in one day!~

It was a normal day in England, the moon lighting up the streets leading to a popular bar. Inside the bar, worked a young (H/C) haired girl, filling up jugs of beer. The girl had glowing (E/C) eyes that could make any man's heart beat. Little did they know that she was the daughter of Blackbeard himself, and so she was an excellent swordsman. That night though, her secret was soon to be revealed.

Suddenly the doors of the bar slammed open, revealing a blonde haired man, wearing pirate attire. The man had big bushy eyebrows and emerald green eyes, that pulled in any woman who dared to look in them. Everyone in the bar went silent as he walked across to the bar. He sat down and turned his gaze towards the (H/C) girl. He stared at her figure, and motioned for her to come forwards. The girl rolled her eyes and brought a beer with her slinging it across the bar into his hand. He smirked at her, and rose from his seat. He walked over towards her, his heels clicking across the wooden floor boards. The atmosphere was very tense as he strolled over to her.

"What is ya name?" He asked to girl, grabbing the collar of her shirt.

She narrowed her eyes at him, and refused to reply. He growled and pulled out his sword, placing it near her neck.

"Answer my question. Who is ye?" He asked, his emerald eyes blazing like a fire.

She quickly pulled out her swords and smacked his away from her. She simply laughed at his sour expression, standing upright, to make herself look taller. He growled and with that, they began to fight. The noises of their swords clashing like lighting with the Earth, echoed across the silent bar. They all watched in amazement as they fought for a few minutes before a man approached her from behind. He swiftly placed a rag over her mouth and nose, forcing her to breathe in the fumes. She collapsed in the man's grasp. The blonde haired man lowered his sword and placed it back into its rightful place. He turned and the man carrying the (H/C) girl followed. They swiftly approached a large boat, stationed at the dock.

"Captain. Where do ye want the lass?" The man carrying the girl asked.

The blonde smirked and ordered him to place her in his quarters. Once he left, the blonde smirked, finally he had the most beautiful girl in the land.

~Finally done! I hope you guys enjoyed this and I am sorry if Pirate!England was a bit OOC... I tried. Any who I will try to update again ASAP. I hope you enjoyed, later!~

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