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       The wind howls along the streets of (C/N) in the United States of America, trying to sweep away everything outside. The rain pounds buildings and any living organism that is out facing the elements. In the rain and mother nature's wrath and chaos, a girl in a black hoodie raced down the streets. In her arms there was a small box. Behind her were two men. One of the men had dark brown hair, tanned skin and blood red eyes. The other man had blonde hair that was pulled into a messy ponytail and, even though it was dark and stormy outside, he wore black shades, that hid his eyes. The tanned man held a baseball bat with rusty nails sticking out of it and on those nails, there was dried human blood. The blonde man held an old hockey stick with barbed wire wrapped around the base and, just like the other man, there was dried human blood coating the barbed wire.

       The girl ran faster and faster, hoping to lose the men, but they stayed right on her tail. The girl looked in front of her to see a car blocking her path. Four men stepped outside of the car. One of the men had long blonde hair, purple eyes and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Another one of the men had strawberry pink hair, baby blue eyes, freckles and a cupcake in his hand. The third man had dark auburn brown hair, blood red eyes, wore a gray scarf and held a bloodied sink pipe. The final man had short dark auburn brown hair, blood red eyes and wore a hat. The girl, upon seeing the men, slid to a stop and bolted the other direction from them.

       "What could they possibly want with me?" The girl running asked herself in a hushed voice. 

       The girl came up to an apartment complex and jumped the fence, then raced into one of the buildings. However, the men on her tail jumped the fence to and saw her run into the building. The man with the baseball bat smirked, glancing at the blonde next to him. They silently agreed and followed their target. The girl on the other hand was struggling with her keys, trying to get the right one to get into her apartment. She finally found the right one and unlocked the door. She scrambled inside, slamming the door shut and making sure to lock all doors and windows. She sighed to herself in relief after she was down securing the house. The girl pulled back her hoodie to reveal her (H/L) (H/C) hair. Her mesmerizing (E/C) orbs would make any heart melt. She took the hoodie off the reveal her lovely (S/T) skin. The (H/C) girl walked into the bathroom of the small apartment and decided to take a shower before going to bed. After all, there was no way that anyone can get in or out of the apartment.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

      After taking a nice and relaxing shower, the (H/C) girl got dressed in her pajamas and decided to turn in for the night. She tucked herself in and fell into a deep sleep. Little did she know that there were 6 pairs of eyes watching her every move. 

      The man with dark brown hair and blood red eyes smirked and busted open the window of the (H/C)'s apartment, setting off the alarm of the apartment.

       The shoulder-length haired blonde man lit his cigarette and mentioned in a deep, handsome, thick French accent,"We better hurry or the cops will show up. Don't need to be dealin' with 'em."

       The blonde with the hockey stick walked over to the sleeping girl and threw her over his shoulder. Still, the unconscious (H/C) girl didn't move a muscle. It seemed as though she was dead, except that the girl was still breathing. The blonde carrying her walked towards the window and glanced at the rest,"We better get going."

       The rest nodded and made their way to their car and, with the (H/C) girl, drove far away from the apartment. No one besides the group knew where they were going and the (H/C) was in for a big surprise when she woke up in the morning.

~I am so sorry for keeping everyone waiting for this story. I haven't really been on Wattpad and I was one of the many people effected by Hurricane Harvey. I am terribly sorry and I am currently trying to make another book and keep up with school. Once again, I am sorry for keeping everyone waiting. I hoped that you enjoyed the story.~ 

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