Part 10

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(Zayn's P.O.V.)

I sighed, thinking of ways for her to 'love' me. I kept looking at the rose representing my life. I don't have a lot of time until I stay like this forever. Of course I want to change instead of looking like a hideous beast but honestly the reason why I need her to love me is because I care about my friends more. I'm happy with my life. I'm okay with the way I am, ugly and should never be seen, but I feel bad for my selfishness and got my friends, the only people that care, to shrink into tiny people.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knocking sound coming from the other side of the door. "Come in!" I yell. Eleanor and Louis enter the room, climbing on top of the desk next to where I am.

"Have you think of ways for her to love you yet?" Eleanor asks, sitting on a book Perrie told me to read. She said it was her favorite, plus it includes action parts which I enjoy. She enjoys adventure and likes the books in her, or used to be mine, book room. Although, I feel sort of embarrass for not knowing a lot of words. I wasn't taught things since I was 7 which isn't a good thing but I like to think of myself as a fast learner.

I avoid my thoughts and shook my head as an answer. I don't know what to do for her that she would remember for the rest of her life. "How about you show her your painting room? I think that would be cool," Louis suggests.

"Louis, we are wanting her to stay not leave! Sure Zayn, I mean master has good drawings there, but it's not special plus you hanged a bunch of messed up drawings there!" Eleanor exclaims.

"Hey! Those drawings are mine! Why are you so mean to me?" He says, frowning. "I am so sorry, baby. I did not know those were yours but you should probably take art lessons or something. But seriously, I'm so so sorry. I love you remember that," Eleanor apologizes, hugging him.

They have such a weird relationship.

Eleanor pulls back from their hug, starting to talk to me. "Okay, we need to think of something brilliant. Something that will make her fall deeply in love with you so she will stay here and break the spell."

We three kept thinking and thinking until Louis's eyes widen. "I got something! Lets do something she hasn't done before. Something big and what Eleanor says special! Do you remember anything Perrie said to you?" I try to remember something she has never done before that she really wants to do.

Suddenly, I remember something. "I know! While we were talking about ourselves weeks go, Perrie stated once that she never went to prom. Maybe we could have a little prom for her or a ball. I'll make it a special day for her that she will, for sure, break the spell!" I smile. "Thanks Louis."

"Oh you're welcome sir, but when can we do this?"

"Next week."

"But master, next week is when the last rose petal will fall. It's almost your birthday. What if she doesn't love you? Why can't it be tomorrow?" Eleanor suggests.

"Eleanor, it can't be tomorrow. I'm not ready yet. We are not ready yet. I wish I could have thought about this idea a bit sooner. Don't worry, we have back up," I say.

"Master, what is the back up?"

"I do not know yet."


I wait patiently for Perrie to come down stairs to eat lunch with me while the food is already served. We are having grilled sandwiches, fish, and chips. One of my favorites.

Perrie has finally came, sitting on the chair to the right of me. I sit on the big, king chair where my father would eat but since he'a not here I sit here. I will be king soon. Only for this castle though, I'm ban from the people to see me if the curse isn't broken, but if the curse breaks then the deal from the Styles's family will break and I will rule my kingdom and the village.

"You seem so quiet these days. Is it because I beat in that snowball fight we had three days ago??" Perrie brags. Sure she won because I let her win and also she hits so hard, it hurts.

"Wow. You are still talking about that."

"Well, you are still not over it," she teases, "because I am better." "Ok fine you are." I end the conversation as silence fills the air, eating our lunch.

Perrie and I begin to stroll to the library/book room because she wanted to put the book she already finished back where is belongs. She walks around the room picking out books. So far she picked out 3 books, I having to carry it for her because that's what gentlemen have to do.

"So how many books have you read here so far, Zayn?" She asks, grabbing a book from the second shelf and handing it to me. "I don't know. I'm not really a reader," I explain, not telling her that I actually can't read. "Well, are you reading the book I recommended you to read?" She turns around and looks at me. "No... Can I be honest with you?" Here it goes. She nods in agreement and I tell her that I can't read because I wasn't taught to. I told her that I didn't go to school.

Perrie looks at me confused, "But you've got the money to buy everything including an education. I, myself, don't have any money to buy a lot of clothes, food, and school. I only finished middle school which is year 7 but never got a chance to go to year 8 and above."

"I've spent my whole life in a castle. My parents died before I could ever be independent. Education wasn't a thing I cared about."

"How about I teach you how to read? I don't have anything to do here so, but if you want," she suggests which I think is an excellent idea. A way for the both of us to spent time together.

We both give each other smiles as we walk downstairs to sit on the couch.

Hey guys!! Long time no update, because I took a break from Wattpad. I actually started to break away from the 1D and little mix fandom and 'converted' to reading physical books and fangirling about them which includes, The Maze Runner series and Divergent series. So yeah, but I'm back now!

Still continuing even though Zerrie has broken up, but I will still ship it.

Thank you for reading! Hope you vote and comment me stuff! Bye!! <3

Oh! I almost forgot.


(Not edited.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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