Beach Trip

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Tobins PoV
Feeling the wind rushing at me, everything else burred out around me. Longboarding has been my greatest escape since i could remember. Everything about it sets me at peace. Its like your flying, and nobody could stop you. It puts me at ease, calms me down. Like surfing. I love both.

I finally reached my favorite spot on the beach. Not to public, but still able to see everywhere across the sand. Greatest part about it is that you can see the sunsets perfectly. Ive taken alex her multiple times, shes the only one. Speaking of alex, im still pissed and hurt that she didnt tell me. I get that she was afraid to tell me, but still. I should have know earlier.

Im still in awe that shes being traded. I dont know what to do now that my bestfriends leaving. I dont know what to do now that the love of my life is leaving me. Im just so confused on what to do or say. Im literally in shock. All i can seem to do is look out into the ocean and think about the past and all the good times we've had. Winning championships, staying up wayyy past curfew just talking to each other about anything and everything. Shes so easy and fun to be around. She makes life liveable and without her i dont know how to be happy. She'll never know how i feel, and i think thats what hurts the most. I lay down and stare into the sky. Trying to rid my mind of the bad. Ill probably be here for a little longer.

Alexs PoV
After finally pulling myself together i went to go search for tobin. I went to the park a couple block down. Nothing. I went to her favorite cafe and still nothing. The last thing on my list. The beach. I sprinted to my car and drove my foot into the pedal, trying to get there as fast as i could. She had to be here, there was nowhere else she could go. I pulled in 6 mins later and ran all along the beach. It wasnt until the very opposite end did i see golden brown locks flowing against the wind. She looked like she was glowing against the sun. I slowly walked up beside her, not wanting to scare her.

"Hi" i say quietly, only for her to hear.

She turns to look at me, hurt still evident. The sight before me wanting to break down at how sad she looks.

"I know ive said this alot lately and i know it wont make things better but i really am truly sorry. I was gonna tell you today, i promise, but they just got to it before i did. I leave next month, before christmas" i hear myself say.

She still is staring ahead at the ocean, probably thinking.

"Is it because of him" tobin says softly.

I dont know how to respond, her words shocked me. I didnt expect them.


"What do you mean 'kinda'?"

"I mean, he is part of the reason, the rest is...well i just need to get away."

"So then go on a freakin vacation lex! Dont move across the country! Dont move away from family, from your life, FROM ME!" Tobin yells.

"Its not that simple to-"

"Its not that simple? What the hell do you mean its not that simple? If you wanna get away for awhile, you go on a vacation for like a week. You dont move across the fucking United States."

"Tobin! Its finalized okay! I cant do anything about it and i know it sucks okay! I dont like leaving Portland or you either. But hes my husband, and i vowed to be with him. I cant change that for you or anyone else. I love him and wherever he is should be my home. Im sorry, i really am. I have packing to do so i should go, but please tobin, dont shut me out. I cant live without you and i dont wanna have to."

And with that i get up and head back to my car. As soon as i get to my car, i cry my eyes out. I cry because im pretty sure i just lost my bestfriend. And i dont know how to get her back.

Tobins PoV
I soak in everything she just said, every word pulling at my heart strings. I really didnt know if i could sit there much longer. Much to my needs, shes the one that gets up and walks off. I so badly wanted to tell her how i felt right there, but thatd be selfish and im not that kind of person. It also wouldnt be fair, i couldnt pull that card on her. Im losing the one person i love most, and theres nothing i can do.

I longboard back to my apartment, setting my board near the door and flopping down onto the couch. I dont know what to do after today. I feel like i dont know anything anymore. I instantly remember Ash is in town, so i call and ask if she wanted to come over. Thankfully her and Ali werent busy. 10 mins later i hear a knock on the door. I go and open it up to a bear hug from Ash and a warming smile from Ali. I invite them inside and we go to the kitchen, sitting on the barstools and countertops. I start from the beginning of finding out this morning to the time at the beach.

"Ash i really dont know what to do, shes leaving and didnt even bother to tell me when it first came up. Im her bestfriend, we tell each other everything! How could she not tell me about this!?" I can tell im starting to freak out on them by the look on their faces. I immediately feel bad.

"Tobs, if i know Alex, and i do, i know shes wanted to tell you since the day she got the call. What you guys have is too special to let die over a silly trade. Your both on the national team, you'll be seeing each other alot the next couple months. It'll be like nothing has really changed. If anything this could pull you closer together" ash says.

"Seriously tobs i see the way you look at her, anybody would be a fool to see that you guys arent meant to be with each other. Dont shut her out or push her away. You guys need each other as much as you need water and air. Fight for her like you would for the ball" ali adds.

"Remember what you told me at the last camp? That being with alex was like coming up for fresh air when you were drowning? Keep that with you through this process, and nothing could come between the two of you. I know it'll be hard, i gotta do that with princess here, but i love her too much to let her go. And we all know you love alex more than i love ali. That should mean something. Dont give up, go out and fight for this tobs. You deserve happiness, be selfish with her" ash responds getting up and ready to leave.

I soak in their words, every single one hitting home in my heart. I give them both hugs goodbye and say ill see them at the next victory tour game. It was getting pretty late so i made dinner before getting in bed. As i was changing into sweats i pulled on Alex's Cal hoodie sniffing in her smell. God is she intoxicating. I start to fall asleep, replaying Ash and Ali's words all the way into my dreams.

Tomorrow is a new day...and i still have no clue how to cope with everything thats happened.

Authors note- hey guys! So heres another chapter about the rest of the day! I figured bring ash and ali in would clear up some things for tobin on what to chose! I hope you like it and please leave suggestions on anything!

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