Id Go Crazy

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Decided to add in some o'solo fluff so enjoy:)))

Hope pov

I wake up to loud and obnoxious noise in my ear. I slightly turn my head to see kelley sprawled out across half the bed, face pushed up right next to mine, snoring as loud as a fucking siren. I turn back around to look at the alarm clock seeing its only 6:30. You have got to be kidding me. She gets drunk and im the one losing sleep? The squirrel is lucky im in love with her.

I roll out of bed making sure to place a pillow under kelleys-now-drooling-chin, and slip out of the room to the kitchen. I see tobin sitting out on the back porch so i grab a cup of coffee and go to join her. I open the door and see her slightly jump, not knowing she wasnt the only one awake.

"Sorry if i woke you, couldnt sleep." She says tiredly.

"Nah you didnt...but that horn of a squirrel that you call your best friend did. Like seriously how is that girl so loud." I say with a playful smile on my face.

"Hey you and me both, i was asleep for maybe an hour i think before i woke up on the floor and lex using the whole bed just for her. Her drunken sleepy self isnt my fav to be in bed with at night" tobin responds chuckling.

"Oh god, haha, how did we get so lucky?" I say aloud staring out at the beach.

"You got me there solo. Definitely would not trade this for the world. Being with my bestfriends and love of my life, a month alone spending it in a beach house before going to the freaking olympics for the 3rd time. Definitely a crazy and blessed life we have here dude." Tobin says patting my shoulder.

"Speaking of bestfriends here...i needed to ask you something important." I say hesitantly.

"Shoot man."

"Okay well obviously you, kell, and alex have been bestfriends for years now...and ive been with kelley since the last olympics and guys are the closest thing she has to family besides her actual family. You guys mean the world to her and to me now too. I see how you guys are with each other, how much she adores the both of you. Your guys opinion means the world to her and i guess i just wanted it now too...i love kelley more than life itself. Shes taught me in the past 2 and a half years that theres more to life than soccer or working out. She was there for me when i was a broken person and she spent the time to put me back together and fill the holes. I know everyone thought that id hurt her when we first got together because of my past, but really i could never lay a finger on her. She lights up my world tobs, she makes me see everything clearly and thats what i love about her. Ive thought about this since the day i asked her to be my girlfriend and lately alot more. I wanna marry the love of my life tobs. I wanna marry kelley." I turn to her trying to gauge the reaction coming off of her. It isnt until she starts to smile that i finally relax.

"Well hell yes Hope! This is fantastic dude! I totally approve, i know she loves you deeply, the way she looks at you says it all. Shes madly in love hope. Youre a lucky gal." She says pulling me in for a hug. "When are you gonna ask her?"

"Thanks, and i was kinda thinking this week. I wanted you guys to be there for it and i already asked her dad the last time we saw them but i for sure wanted youre input. Ive had the ring since the world cup but i just didnt know when to do it. Im a 100% sure now that i want to take the next step with kelley. Shes everything ive ever wanted and more. I just cant keep it in any longer." I explain.

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