Marry Me

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"ALEEXXX! Alex!" Tobin shouted across the house.


"Have you seen my keys?" Tobin said walking into alex's room, shirt unbuttoned and pants midway on.

Alex couldnt help but laugh at the situation her fianceé was in.

"They're on the end table by the bed tobs." She says pointing towards them.

"Ah fuck, are you serious? That could've saved me a lot of time." Tobin says running over to them.

"I see youre in a rush. Werent you suppose to be gone by now?"

"Yes, thats why im running around the house with my clothes half on lex." She says while pulling her pants the rest of the way up and buttoning 2 buttons. "Moms going to kill me for being late."

Alex pulls a frantic tobin in for a hard kiss, pulling her in harder til she would relax enough into it.

"As long as youre not late to the alter, i think we're fine." She says against tobins lips. She pulls back fully and sees tobin standing there in shock, unable to process all that just happened.

"Well go on, your moms probably calling you every second." Alex says while pushing tobin out the door. "I'll be the one in white!"

Tobin just turns around and smiles while getting into her car and driving off.

Alex soon followed, off to her sisters hotel where they, and her bridesmaides, would all get ready for the wedding of the year. Alex and tobins wedding.


Tobin got to the beach house her sister was renting in an impressive amount of time. Thankfully she hadnt crashed because that would be a shitty way for your soon-to-be-wife to have her wedding day go.

She walked in just as her mother was hanging up the phone, most likely calling her.

"Tobin Powell, where have you been?! We said to get her at 11 and youre an hour late!" Cindy said frustrated.

"I know mom! Im sorry, i couldnt find my keys, and my pants werent cooperative this morning, and i was so nervous i poured my cheerios into a cup and the milk into a bowl! Im freaking out too yenno!? It is my wedding!" Tobin said while going to the room her sisters were in. She saw katie doing perry's hair and Ash and Hope sitting in the corner talking.

"Youre just lucky you dont take forever to get ready." Her mom said while taking over for katie.

"Hey tobs, we thought you were gonna ditch your own wedding. Where were you?" Ash said puzzled.

"Dont get me started Harris. Did you bring the rings? And my shirt? And shoes?" Tobin said while laying down on the bed and taking a breather. She just might have a panic attack. This has to be perfect.

"Tobin chill out, yes we have everything, your shirts hanging up, shoes by the door, and rings are in hopes pants pocket. Dude everything is going to run smoothly." Ash said reassuringly.

"I know, i know. Its just...ive waited since the moment ive met alex to have this day and i just want everything to be perfect for her. I want her to have her dream wedding...and one that doesnt end in divorce after a year." Tobin said while staring at the ceiling.

"Have you written them yet?" Hope asked softly.

"Front right pocket of my pants, been written and rewritten so many times ive lost count. Scribbles all over and circles around what i want to say. I never knew how hard it could be to say how much you love someone."

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