Chapter 5

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[Freshly edited July 18th, 2021.]

First Month of Autumn

Third Era, Year 332

It took Ardan nearly five years to finally convince Caol to marry. During that time they had more arguments about it than Ardan could count, especially when the court started suggesting that Caol should consider abdicating if he refused to produce an heir and therefore put the country at risk of a fight for the throne upon his death. There were several times when Ardan thought about breaking off the relationship and strictly being the court sorcerer, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The thought of losing Caol as a lover broke something deep inside of him, and he realized then that, despite neither of them having said anything about it, he loved Caol far more deeply than he could have imagined. Whether or not Caol felt the same, he didn't want to know. All he was sure of was that Caol didn't want to lose his friend and bedmate.

The rumors began to grow as time wore on. It was clear to many people - likely thanks to the servants - that Ardan was the one distracting Caol from choosing a wife. No one asked him directly, but he could tell that everyone was watching how they interacted at all times. It was incredibly stressful.

Then, one afternoon in the First Month of Autumn, one of the daughters of a court adviser came to him with news and an offer.

"No, my father has not sent me to speak to you," Aisa began. "I'm here of my own choice, because I fear for the king's life." Her voice grew quiet as she explained, "I overheard a conversation between my father and some other members of the court last night. They were discussing ways they could force Caol to abdicate to save the line of succession, and someone even mentioned poisoning him."

A cold shiver of fear passed through Ardan and it was all he could do to keep his voice calm enough to ask, "Why didn't you make any of this known until now? He could have been poisoned over breakfast or the midday meal."

She shook her head. "I specifically heard them say they needed more time to decide, that rushing into anything would be failure or suicide. I'm warning you now."

Ardan calmed himself. There was no reason for him to rush into any action, either. "Demands for abdication are nothing new, but I'll have to see if I can find tasters for him."

"That's not the only reason I'm here," Aisa added. "I'm also here because I feel sympathy for him. The rumors say you are his lover and the reason he doesn't want to marry."

Ardan saw no use in hiding the truth. "Yes, but I have argued with him more often than his advisers have about finding a wife to give him an heir. He won't listen to me any more than them."

"Maybe he's afraid of hurting his relationship with you," she suggested. "Even if you want him to marry, he wants to ensure that he has you in his life."

Ardan nodded. "That's how I see it, too."

She smiled faintly. "What if he were able to find a wife who wouldn't be that selfish? I've never been all that interested in marriage, but if no one helps him, there will be conflict among his brothers and nephews when his reign ends, even if the court itself chooses someone to replace him. Getting married could very well save his life now. And, if he were to choose me, I would be happy to let the two of you have your time together as often as you'd like."

He gave her a skeptical look. "You're certain no one suggested you do this?"

She sighed. "You understandably wonder what my motives are. Maybe I do want to be chosen to show my father that threatening him was not the answer, that a woman's actions can be far better than a man's pushiness. Maybe I do find His Majesty immensely handsome and wish to see more of him. Truly? I want to help. I've heard your story, and I want both of you to be safe and happy. He and I were friends long ago, when we were children and able to run wild through the castle grounds. Before we reached the age where that was considered inappropriate and our fathers started suggesting that we should wed. I knew his secret back then, as well. I found him with my brother once, before my brother was made to become a soldier and died of an infected sword wound after they raided a bandit camp. Maybe it's in his memory that I want to help, as well."

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