Chapter 14

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[Freshly edited July 25th, 2021.]

Third Month of Winter

Third Era, Year 352

They built an improvised fort in the heart of Phelin for the winter, complete with barracks for the soldiers instead of tents. The mages helped to seal the gaps between the wood to hold in the heat and hold out the weather, and hunters killed every species of animal around for meat to dry and furs for their coats and beds. It was still a bitter winter and they lost several soldiers as a seemingly endless cycle of illness made its way through the camp. To stay busy, Caolan had soldiers construct defenses on a regular basis. Those included thicker walls and sharp logs buried in the snow that would impale unsuspecting attackers. It was only a use of extra time, as the overlord was apparently not inclined to risk losing an army to the weather in order to hunt for them.

There was a night during their winter encampment that truly showed the entire rebel force the sort of person Caolan was.

Ardan was awoken by commotion somewhere in the camp, and as he left his room he met Caolan and Kian. He shared a small barracks building with them, Dyna, and Nydia, who joined them in the hall a moment later.

"What's happening?" Nydia asked.

Ardan shook his head. "I don't know."

"Let's find out," Kian suggested.

They found a commotion outside one of the barracks buildings. Two naked men were being held captive by two armed men each, and another armed man appeared to be threatening to stab the captives with a dagger. The crowd parted quickly for Caolan, with Kian and Ardan just behind him, Dyna and Nydia following. With a murmured spell, Ardan removed the dagger from the man's hand and sent it into the packed snow at his feet.

"What is this?" Caolan demanded.

The man who had held the dagger spun around and quickly bowed. "We found these men doing horrible things -"

"Such as threatening the lives of their fellow soldiers?"

The silence that followed was heavy.

"Explain," Caolan demanded.

"They were having sex."

"How kind of you to interrupt them."

"It's against the law!"

"Whose law? Is it not our mission to remove the cruel laws and the man who enforces them?"

"But not all the laws are bad. This one is -"

"Just as cruel and unnecessary as all the others we fight against," Caolan cut in. He stepped forward and slung off his cloak as he moved. "Every citizen of Phelin has a right to a life of privacy and happiness. That is what I fight for." He pushed past the man and handed one of the naked men his cloak.

Ardan removed his own cloak and handed it forward. Both men seemed amazed by the prince's actions and were barely able to find the words to thank him.

"Anyone who is not accepting of this may leave," Caolan went on. "I will not require loyalty to me to be held more highly than your own personal opinions, unless you feel that loyalty is more important. I do not demand this, but I do demand that all of you has respect for each other, regardless of any of your opinions. If this or anything as cruel and disrespectful happens again, I won't be so calm about it. Now everyone go. Leave these men in peace."

Caolan, Kian, and Ardan remained when all the others had gone back to their own rooms or watch fires.

"You're both infantry soldiers, correct?" Kian asked. "I believe I've seen you in training."

One of the men nodded as he wrapped himself in Caolan's cloak, shivering. "We are. I'm sorry for all the trouble."

"You have nothing to apologize for," Kian assured them. "If there are any other issues, come directly to me. And if you know of anyone else having the same issues, tell them that they can speak with me, too."

"And it's not trouble," Caolan added.

"Will you really change the law?" the other man asked.

Caolan smiled. "It's one of the first changes I plan to make. You aren't the only ones who need it to change. I'm sorry about your ruined night. Keep the cloak."

Both men bowed and thanked him.

Ardan remained as Caolan and Kian left. "You need to be back inside where it's warmer. I may have a spell to keep such things from happening again."

"What the prince said," one of the men asked hesitantly, "are he and General Kian..."

"Lovers?" Ardan supplied, leading them back into the barracks. What the prince had said was more of a confession than Ardan had ever expected, and he knew Caolan wouldn't mind him making it obvious to these two. The hall was empty and every door was closed, aside from the one at the end. "They were long before we began this campaign, and things don't appear to have changed."

"Then there is even more reason to get him to the throne."

Ardan nodded as they reached the open room. "He'll do great things. For everyone." It took him only a moment to set the spell against listeners. "This should be better for you. And keep my cloak, too."

As he left, he set another spell to prevent anyone with ill intent from entering the room, just to be cautious.

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