Chapter 12

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[Freshly edited July 25th, 2021.]

Second Month of Summer

Third Era, Year 351

On Caolan's eighteenth birthday, and eighteen years to the day after the fall of Phelin to the Berk invaders, the army of five hundred rebels marched on the city of Drolle where Ardan had found Kian. The group entered the city without trouble, and moved through the streets to the market in the middle of the city without being questioned by guards, despite the fact that they were all armed. Several people stopped to watch them ride by, however, and some even followed them out of what Ardan hoped to be curiosity.

In the center of the market square, backed by Ardan, Kian, Nydia, and Dyna, Caolan called out, "My name is Prince Caolan of Ryal, son of the late King Caol. I have come seeking more fighters for my army so that we can defeat the Berk overlord and take back our country. I do not wish to fight here today, merely to seek support and to ask the people of this good city to protect themselves from the soldiers of Overlord Kane Ferchar. Do not let them in. Do not obey them. Fight them if you must. This country will be brought back to the true and good way of life it knew before. This city, and all in the country, will once again prosper. But in order to win, I need your support. I cannot give you all that you deserve without help."

Several of the guards in the streets laughed, and one declared, "No one would believe that foolish lie, and no one will follow you."

But Ardan saw that many of the people around them were affected by Caolan's words. Ardan's work to spread the rumor that the prince would return had been successful. If they retreated now, Ardan knew that an uprising would take place without them. It would be best to let the people think over what they had heard and to make the moves themselves.

He glanced at Caolan. "Perhaps we should allow the people of this city to decide their own fate."

Caolan nodded. "Anyone who wishes to join us may do so south of the city. Whatever choice you make, may it be what you feel is best."

They continued riding through the city without another word, and were watched in utter silence. There were none of the usual city sounds; no dogs barking, children laughing, people conversing, or music being played. It was frighteningly quiet.

But the quiet only lasted until nightfall. That was when the violence began. By dawn all the overlord's guards had been killed or run out of the city.

"I knew they would believe you," Ardan said to Caolan as they watched a group of people from the city approach their camp just after dawn. "They are desperate to believe that the prince of rumor truly exists. They believe you will take the country back to what it once was, or to something even greater."

Caolan continued to watch the approaching group. "I wish it could be done without violence, but I'm thankful that so many are already loyal."

"It's called hope."

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