Chapter 10

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[Freshly edited July 23rd, 2021.]

Second Month of Autumn

Third Era, Year 350

While finding Kian had taken days of waiting and testing several individuals, finding the next general took less than a day.

He arrived in the small town of Nyn, which was hardly bigger than their village, in the afternoon and heard the town gossip as soon as he went to stable his horse.

"Stupid bitch tried to steal all the horses from the guard stable. Lucky for her there were less than ten or they probably would have killed her on the spot. They're still going to kill her, but first they have to give her a trial."

Ardan moved a bit closer to the sound of voices and saw two stable hands cleaning tack at the end of the aisle.

"Why even bother with a trial?" the other one asked. "They caught her in the act."

"They want to see if she's workin' with any rebels. They'll probably torture her to find out, too."

Ardan was just as eager to find out that same thing, but for different reasons. The stable hands didn't give him much more information, so he took to the taverns. Brief inquiries told him that the woman would be questioned as soon as an agent from the overlord arrived. No one seemed to know how long that would take.

Finding the prison was simple, and getting inside was also simple - and would be embarrassing for the guards once they knew what had really happened. All he did was wait for the only guard to fall asleep, then he slipped inside the unlocked front door. He'd been expecting to need magic, but was happy to save that for a later time.

And that time came when he encountered two guards inside the prison. He didn't want to kill them, so he placed a sleeping spell over them before they noticed him.

There was only one person in any of the five prison cells. She was a young woman with worn out clothing and shaggy hair. She was barefoot and had bruises on her face, but she stared at him with defiance as she stood at the bars.

"Do you steal to save Phelin or to profit for yourself?" he asked calmly.

She continued to glare at him. "What does it matter, anyway? I failed, but I will not tell you anything else. Go back home and kiss your overlord's smelly, pox-ridden arse."

Ardan raised an eyebrow. "I would rather not. And you've already told me much with that statement." He leaned close to the bars and told her quietly, "My name is Ardan. I was King Caol's court sorcerer. I am looking for supporters to join the army of Prince Caolan so that he can take back the throne."

She laughed darkly. "If the prince was truly alive, it would be known by now. How am I to believe you?"

He shrugged. "What choice do you have? I can help you escape. If you come with me, you will have your answer. The journey will take four days. If you don't want to come with me, I won't stop you from going your own way. Your other choice is to stay here and be tortured and killed by the overlord's agents."

"You won't stop me from going wherever I wish?" she asked.

Ardan shook his head. "But if you have supporters already, you should bring them, if you want to join us. I will have to test their loyalties, however, just as I've already tested yours."

While she was dealing with that bit of information, he took the ring of keys from the table where the guards slept and unlocked the cell. She stayed with him as they took their horses and left - her without the extra ones she had come to steal.

"I have fifty followers," she finally said as they left the town. "I'll show you where they are camped. If they agree to follow you, we will."

Ardan wasn't exactly surprised that she had chosen to give him a chance, after all, considering her loyalty. Her followers were also loyal, though they were mostly teenagers riding farm ponies.

"This is my cavalry," she told him. "I used to be in the overlord's cavalry, but I left when I saw the disgusting things he uses the military for. I grew tired very quickly of forcefully taking farmers' harvests and leaving them to starve."

Ardan nodded, looking over her camp. "And do you have a name?"

"Nydia of Ryal."

"Very well. If your riders pass my test and agree to come with us, you will be general of Caolan's cavalry."

Nydia looked surprised. "You think me worthy of that already?"

Ardan smiled. "You've proven yourself already."

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