Chapter one

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Jongin lived life in Hogwarts like it was his home. Eating with his fellow Gryffindors, playing Quidditch, and despising innocent Slytherins, the usual. Sehun was Jongin's favorite victim. Sehun was pale with blonde hair that made him look like he was sick. He was scrawny and just plane ugly. He seemed weak to Jongin, so Jongin made it a daily routine for him to torment the bugger almost everyday. Coming out of classes, eating with the little friends he had, and basically just speed-walking through the hallways. He found it amusing that Sehun wasn't only just a Slytherin but also came from muggle parents. Which made Sehun more easily to hate. Mudbloods were rare. It's been 40 years after the deadly battle with "You know who" and the whole school, but even then because of it, muggles were afraid for their children to come to any Which Craft and Wizardry school. They were afraid that their child might get killed, even with him gone. They didn't know if another would pop up, so not one stepped foot inside leaving the pure bloods to dominate. Every once in awhile there would be some, but they weren't respected, treated as cowards and belittled. Before it was only Slytherins who mistreated them, but as time passed everyone just shook their heads and turned the other way. In Sehun's case it was worse. Not only was he a mud but he had Jongin as a bully. Jongin wasn't the type of bully that would just knock out his books, he was worse than that, but oddly only to Sehun. He would knock him out with a sleeping potion, strip him naked and place him in the forbidden woods, deserted, scared and alone. Every time Sehun tried a broom, Jongin bewitched it to spin around and fly where ever he wanted, once getting Sehun to loose his grip and get thrown off twenty-feet. Luckily a teacher softened his fall and he only broke a few bones. People thought it weird why Jongin was never expelled or at least suspended, but the topic soon dropped when no one got answers. Soon enough Sehun left a year later. Jongin had thought it was because he had enough and quit school, letting Jongin finally breathe. He didn't want to breathe tainted air from a Slytherin-mudblood. Until one day Sehun came back after three years of absence.

"Hey." Baekhyun whispered across the long rectangular table." Have you heard? Durmstrang students are going to come here." He says as he excitedly stuffed a turkey leg into his square shaped mouth.

"Durmstrang? Why?" Suho the Ravenclaw among the four questioned him.

"Apparently, they are going to be admitted here."

Jongin played with his peas, for some reason he hadn't had the appetite to eat. All four friends were seated in the commons enjoying their winter festive food, none of them had gone home for Christmas break, they all supposedly wanted to catch up on their studies, but it was no secret that it was a lie.

"How many do you think will stay here?" Luhan added sipping at his butterbeer he snuck in from 'The Three Broomsticks' before everyone woke up. He was addicted and everyone knew.

"I heard two, but it could be more."

Baekhyun loved gossip. He would sneak around the school secretly listening to everyone's conversations. Reading the The Daily Prophet wasn't enough for him, so he went to hunt. Jongin found it annoying, although interesting at the same time. He always had something to talk about. But the pesky annoying personality of him digging his nose everywhere was a nuisance. Nonetheless he still loved the bloody bugger.

"I also heard that both will be in Slytherin." He muttered hesitantly. All three heads turned to the unamused Jongin. They all knew how he felt about them.

"Bloody hell. No one needs more of those." He stabs his turkey leg with great force and left it inside clenching the fork.
Jongin hates Slytherins. They were all people who thought they were high and mighty and better than everyone else. Or that's at least what his family had taught him to think. Jongin's grandma was involved in the war 40 years ago, the one that killed his grandpa. And her stories were enough to make small Jongin despise all Slytherins. It was their fault.

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