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*One Year Later*

I'd like to say everything went back to normal after Tommy got rid of my wings, but sadly I cannot. We went back on tour, and live pretty normally, but we can't pretend that nothing ever happened. We can't pretend that I never had wings, that Tommy was never a witch, that we never knew Victoria.

It was painful, explaining to her mother, her only remaining family member, what happened. All three of us were in tears, and I felt awful the whole time. I know that her death was my fault, but I hope that it will someday not haunt my sleep in the form of nightmares.

Next, we talked to Jonah and Char. Char had his powers removed about seven months ago by some professional witch lady from some obscure European country, and she also removed Jonah's massive wings, but she didn't grace him with a beautiful tattoo. She was actually pretty nice, but she weirded me out too much.

Tommy also had her remove his powers. He was uncomfortable knowing he was something other than human. He told me that he just wanted to be my guitarist/bassist and best friend, nothing more.

Now about me, it wasn't long after Tommy removed my wings that I discovered they weren't really gone. If I thought about them hard enough, the tattoos on my back would raise off of my skin and form into wings. I may not admit this in the future, but I have gone on flights, even taking Tommy with me on a few. It's like I can go from human to Pinnarum just by willing myself to. From the speedy 70 pound Pinnarum to me, the slightly klutzy but, frankly, fabulous Adam Lambert, in a matter of seconds.

I never did tell my Glamberts what happened. As much as I love and trust them, I somehow feel they would have trouble believing that, even coming from me. The concert incident to them remains a freak accident, and my disappearance was nothing more than a kidnapping.

I suppose there isn't much else to say. Yeah, I still think of Victoria, and I still have nightmares. I still have scars on my back from the whip, and I still have the little Milky Way tattoo, but life is as normal as it will be.

Life never can be normal, not when you're a half human pop star, half strange-alien-winged-Pinnarum-thing. But it's something I can deal with. It gives my life excitement. And I sure do love some excitement every now and then.


Author's Note:
Well, here we are. It was about this time last year that I started writing this story, and I never thought that I would finish it, but I am both impressed and proud that I did. I will be honest, I lost faith in this story several times, especially when I started listening to less of Adam and more of other bands. It's scary, becoming obsessed with another artist, but that is the way of life I guess.

This story has exceeded my expectations, even getting more than 100 reads! That's crazy, I've got over 1k now, and I would like to thank each and every one of you for reading this, because it really means a lot. If it wasn't for you guys I would've given up on this story by about the fifth chapter, but I wouldn't want to disappoint. I really really hope that you liked it, I know it isn't the best, but as I stated in an early chapter, it's my best, and that's what matters most.

Please comment your thoughts, I'd love to hear them! If you have a question, don't be afraid to ask! If you wanna just chat, you can private message me, I love to talk to people! If you liked my story, please vote to let me know! It does wonders to a person's confidence.

Again, I really hope you liked this story. Here we are, at the end, it all sorta feels surreal to me. I've been writing this for more than a year, and y'all have been reading it for almost a year, it's nice to see how far we've come! I guess I should end this now, though I really don't want to go.

Thank you so much, for everything!

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