The Rescue

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Tommy's POV

I sling on my jacket and cram my feet into a pair of boots resting on the floor. Rushing more than necessary, I enter the living room and nearly shove Victoria off the couch when I try to wake her up.

"Geez, Tommy," she exclaims, "what's got you like this?"

I'm breathless as I reply, "we're leaving. Right now. Grab a coat."



"You found him?" She looks doubtful.

"No, but I know how to get to where he is."

She stands up and puts on her coat, "and where is that?"

I give her a floppy shrug, "I'm not sure, but I've got a map in my head. I'll explain on the way there. We need to hurry."

Next thing I know, we're in my car, rushing towards the coast. I see Victoria cross her arms and look at me through my peripheral vision. "Explain," she demands.

I let out a pent up breath I didn't know I was holding. "Okay, I'm a witch, you know that, yeah?" She nods, so I continue, "well, I've been practicing this locating spell to see if I can track him, and, well, it works."

The next few seconds are silent, then, "that's all?"

I nod, "that's all."

The rest of the car ride is quiet, but within the hour, we reach a lonely building along the coast. Lights line the walls, illuminating the building's sides. There are no windows, so I have no clue if there's any activity inside.

"I don't like this, Tommy," Victoria shudders as we exit the car and head towards the building.

"I don't either," I respond as we reach the building. Something just feels... off. I try the closest door and we're surprised to find it unlocked. As soon as I open the door, however, I wish it was locked, because scattered around the hallway that the door leads to are sleek, jet black feathers. Adam put up a struggle.

We follow the trail, and at each corner that we turn, our nerve increases. We have encountered no one. No workers, no prisoners, nada. That can't be right. The feathers become fewer and further apart until finally, there are no more to follow. With a nod to Victoria, I try the nearest door, and it opens silently.


Adam's POV

I don't remember what happened after the figure knocked me out of the sky, all I know is now I'm back it that damned cage, in that stupid room. Only difference? I'm not alone. The winged figure that took me out now stands in front of the cage glaring at me.

"Well, well," he smirks. Whoever this is, he bears striking resemblance to Char. "Looks like you never really were free, were you?" He doesn't wait for an answer, he just continues, "tell me, how did you get those wings?" This time he does wait for an answer, but he's not going to receive one. As soon as he realizes this, he scoffs. "I see, you're mad at me." He brushes a strand of greasy shoulder length hair out of his face and crosses his thick arms.

"Yeah, a little bit," I frown, "um, why am I here? Who are you? What do you want from me?" I run a nervous hand through my hair, glancing away from the stranger.

"Well, my name is Jonah," he gives me a smile, "but you've heard me referred to as 'the boss,' am I right?" I nod, so this is the boss. He begins to continue, "you're here because you have wings-"

I interrupt, "so do you."

He sighs, "yes, but last I checked, I was the only Pinnarum. My brother promised me that."

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