M.C Philly B

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My band director, is by far one of the strangest people I know. To help you all see this, here are some quotes from him.

"When I die, I want my organs harvested, my meat eaten to provide nourishment, my bones turned into flutes and a band playing those flutes. I want my skull turned into a drum, spine into a cabasa, and my ribs into a xylophone. I want them to make my hair into a wig. Have a feast... make it stir fry or something"

"I box, so yes"

"Everybody's face is weird when you zoom in"

-- here's a story with a funny quotes--

*philly B is in the box, band is on the field practicing on a Saturday morning before we leave for your comp*

"Okay! Let's run it one more time guys!"

*many groans and mumbled curse words*

*As show is being run he pulls out his phone and starts scrolling on it and cheering*

*we stop mid show and he doesn't look up from his phone for a few moments, until his wife (the color guard instructor/middle school band director) coughs loudly to get his attention*

"Oh I'm sorry I thought instead of looking at these forms that make me want to die, I should look at the scores from the Tennessee game. That makes anyone want to die but it's less painful."


"Such wow, very music"


*random sax and I running behind him playing the theme*


"if you don't know how to play it, make it up"

"I look like a potato today, a beautiful potato with salt and pepper with butter on"

"Why didn't you just put the tea on the stove?"

"You'd better not mix music and chemistry"

"woah! A tambourine on a drum set"

"I've seen better in the olden ages"

"You sound like pasta salad"


Part 2 maybe? Idk I need more quotes but yes, a day in the life of M.C Philly B!

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