Chapter I - Strange links

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Part one-takes place just after the invasion of konoha arc. The plot is mixed up a little, the fight between Naruto and Gaara hasn't happened yet.

I ran and ran until I could run no further. Why did they leave me? Was I not good enough? I punched the wall, leaving a large crack in the brickwork, then nursed my newly throbbing hand before setting off again. Why did they do this to me? They said, he said, that they would look after me. So why?!

"Kisame! Itachi! I'm sorry!" I called after them, tears falling down my face. No reply.

"I won't be weak anymore! Just... don't leave me here!" I dropped to my knees by the wall, then curled up and hugged them to my chest. I wiped the tears away angrily, refusing to believe they had abandoned me. I stared intently towards where I had seen them last, hoping to see them come around the corner, until my eyes drifted shut and I fell asleep.

* * *

"Hey, are you okay?" came a quiet voice, bringing me out of my uneasy slumber. I almost leapt up in joy. They had come back for me! I opened my eyes to see a pink haired girl crouching in front of me, a concerned expression on her face. It wasn't them. I drooped a little, tears forming in my eyes.

"What's the matter?" she asked kindly; it reminded me of the kind words Itachi would speak if ever I was upset. I leapt up, furious, waveringly pulling out a kunai, prepared to fight. How dare she! The blonde haired boy she was with gasped.

"Sakura-chan!" he charged up and got in front of her. He glared at me, and I glared right back. "Why are you trying to hurt her?! She was only trying to help!" he was getting all up in my face, and it was putting me on edge. Suddenly he fell to the floor, a lump on his head.

"Naruto! You idiot! She's obviously just scared!" the girl, Sakura, fumed. I clutched the kunai tighter, then took a deep breath, steadying myself. It didn't help that I was running on empty, and hadn't slept at all these past few nights. I skittered back a few steps when a man with white spiky hair and a mask appeared next to Sakura.

"Sakura, calm down. Naruto is just... lacking in certain area's." the man said. I pressed my back against the wall, getting more nervous as the time went by, running through the defensive stances I knew from Itachi's teachings. After all, he had focused on that more than anything.

"You guys, we need to get going. We're expected back at the village." another boy said.

General POV

Sasuke watched his team, bored as usual, not anticipating it when the girl flew through the air and knocked him over. He tried to get the red haired girl off him while she hugged him tightly.

"Itaaachiiii... you came back for me... I knew you would..." he tried again to push her off, then realised what she had said.

"Itachi?! What do you know about my brother?!" he yelled, not succeeding in getting her off, for she had fallen asleep, and her arms were still clamped around his waist. Eventually Kakashi and Naruto went and helped him up, at the same time Kakashi managed to unhook the sleeping girl from him. He then tried to calm Sasuke.

"But she knows something about Itachi!" he fumed.

"Maybe so, but it seems she hasn't slept properly in weeks. It might not even be the same Itachi." Kakashi reasoned.

"But it must be the same one, Kakashi! She thought I was him!"

"Coincidence." as always, Kakashi-sensei stayed infuriatingly calm, and carried the girl to the hospital. Once she had been checked up Kakashi went through to the room. She was awake.

"Are you going to tell me who you are?" the jounin asked calmly, and the girl glared at him.

"Where is Itachi?!" she demanded. Kakashi saw a chance in this.

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