Chapter VII -- My Hero; control yourself

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Part seveeenn!!


Sora-chan x

I awoke, tied up, with a pounding headache, in a box-type thing.

"What the hell?!" I rocked my body roughly, in an attempt to get out of the casket, then hissed. My whole body stung. All over.


Not fun.

"Hey! Sit still!" a sharp voice yelled from behind me, and only then did I realise that the casket I was in was on someone's back, and that I wasn't the only one there. I let out a scream as I made out the body of a small, shaded girl. A body!

She shifted and grunted, eyes slowly fluttering open. Phew. She was alive.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly, frowning, my predicament momentarily forgotten. She blinked at me, eyes widening in fear as she noticed our surroundings. I vaguely recognised her, but could not see her properly.

"I-I'm Matsuri!" she whispered, sounding like she was going to burst into tears.

"Gaara's student!" my eyebrows furrowed even more as I realised what that meant.

'Ugh... I'm gonna be stuck in here for who knows how long with this irritating chick...' I thought. She was, what I would define as a 'Gaara fangirl'. It pissed me off how she fawned over him, when she'd only known him for like a week, and the fact that it pissed me off, pissed me off even more. Confusing, ne? I don't understand it either. I'm just one, big, pissed-off mess.

"Y-yes... who are you?" she asked, and I sighed, but knew she probably couldn't see me, though my mahogany hair is pretty bright.

"It's me, Kaien. We met yesterday?"

"Oh! I remember you!"

'Yeah, and I remember the glares you gave me that whole time...' I thought bitterly.

Our 'conversation' was brought to an abrupt, and relieving, halt, as suddenly the casket we were in was dumped on the floor. I wriggled, not liking having this girl so far into my personal space.

"Hey, you!" I yelled. A big lugnut of a guy turned to me with a smirk.

"What do you want, girlie?" I bared my teeth at him in a growl, my more animalistic side threatening. I pushed it back.

"What do you want with the Shukaku?!" I demanded, and his eyes widened a second, before relaxing into that smirk again.

"So you figured it out, huh? Heh, the Shukaku's little girlfriend is clever." I narrowed my eyes at him, and Matsuri shouted,

"She's not his girlfriend!"

I shot her a look; why did I have to be stuck with her, of all people? I'd rather be stuck with ANYONE. Hell, I'd rather be stuck in here with Ino. INO. And I HATE Ino.

"More important matters right now!" I hissed, and she glared at me.

She was lucky I was tied up.

or I would of kicked. her. ass. Seriously.

I don't give a crap if she's Gaara's student! How dare the little runt glare at me!

Wow... I spent waaayyy too long in the Akatsuki. Tem-per!!!

I thought for a second. No. I didn't have enough chakra for my jutsu's. Kuso!

I wondered briefly if Matsuri had any jutsu's or weapons, and twisted to ask, to see her trembling with fear.

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