chapter one

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Authors note...

Authors note...

Before we start, I just want to thank you all for reading my fanfiction. I hope you enjoy and want to continue reading after the first chapter. Your comments, and votes mean everything and if you follow me, I love you, and I'll follow you back!

xx Rachel


"Cassia get up!" My mum shouted at me from downstairs. I grumply got out of bed and looked at my alarm clock beside my bed. 7:26. "Ugh" I shouted knowing i had to be at school at 8:15. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have a twenty five minute walk to school.

I got my simple school uniform on equip with a hidious black pencil skirt, a white blouse, black stockings, and black flats. Oh not to forget the tie. I french braided my brunette hair to the side and put a little mascara and eyeliner on. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

My little sister Pipa was already downstairs devouring a bowl of cereal. "Morning Pip." I said while grabbing a granolya bar. "Morning Cass." She said before devouring her bowl of cereal once more. The thing about us is that no matter how much we eat, we never seem to gain a ounce. I rolled my green eyes at her and headed out towards my best friend, Amelia's house.

I knocked on the front door and her dad answered the door. "Well goodmorning Cassia! Amelia will be down in a minute. " Amelia darling, Cassia's here!" Amelias dad shouted up the stairs.

Amelia is an only child, and lives with her father because her mum died when she was nine. Amelia is very independent and she is very pretty.

She finally came downstairs and gave her father a quick peck on the cheek before we headed out. We were walking to school talking about the normal stuff.

When we got to school, of course the majority of the girls in our school were trying to get one of the populars to notice them. It was actually pretty pathetic, all of the girls wasting their time on stuck up people who only care about themselves.

I've never been one to really take intrest on the populars, and in return. they take no intrest in me and I'd like to keep it that way.

"So what do you think Cass?" Amelia asked. "Huh?" I replied. I wasn't really paying any attention. Amelia just rolled her eyes and sighed. "Are you ever going to listen to what I tell you?" She asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Sorry Mel! How about we go to the smoothie Shack after school?" I asked. Amelia stopped and put her hands on her hips. "That's what I just asked you Cass!" she huffed. I started laughing and the first bell rang. "So are we on?" I asked Mel. She nodded and we headed off in different directions.

We don't have our first three classes together but we have the rest of our classes, including gym and lunch together. I made my way to biology and sat at my assigned seat with Oliver. Oliver and I don't speak much because he's one of the populars.

I really wish that we didn't have assigned seats because you would think that we're old enough to make our own decisions but whatever. It is what it is.

During the whole class, we took notes on how to properly disect a frog , which we will be doing next week. It was pretty disturbing because we had to watch a video on it and when the bell rang, I was more than relieved and rushed out of the classroom.

The next two classes, algebra and English went by pretty quick, and before I knew it, it was time for lunch.

Our school cafeteria food is terrible so Amelia and I usually go to the vending machines. I got a cookie and a fizzy while Amelia got a bag of chips and a fizzy. We made our way over to our usual table with Eliza, Margret, and Rebekah.

We talked about the usual stuff, and of course Eliza was stuck on the populars. I love Eliza and all, but she can really get annoying, especially when she talks about the populars. She is stuck on one of them, Zayn was his name I think, and she swears that they will get married, have three kids, and a french bulldog. It was funny in a way, but I felt sorry for her because she actually believed that it would happen.

When lunch was over, Amelia and I made our way to gym. Gym is pretty boring because we do the same thing eveyday which is volleyball. Amelia and I ended up on the same team along with some other girls who were actually on the volleyball team. After gym, we changed our clothes and headed to our last two classes, history, and health.


Finally after the school day was over, Amelia and I changed and made our way to the Smoothie Shack. We walked, and when we got there, it was packed, like it is every Friday.

After what felt like ages, we found a table in the corner to sit at. The waitor came over to take our orders and I got a peach mango smoothie while Amelia got a strawberry peach smoothie.

We sat there chatting when a bunch of the populars came in. Of course all eyes were on them. Our smoothies finally came and I told Amelia that I'd be right back because I had to go to the loo.

When I was finished washing my hands, I was looking at a message I recieved and wasn't looking at where I was going. Next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor covered in smoothie.

'What the hell!" I exclaimed. I looked up to see the most known popular, Harry Styles standing above me laughing with a empty smoothie cup in his hands. "You really think that this is funny? You ruined my outfit you jerk!" I shouted at him as I was getting up. An angry look look replaced his amused look and then a blonde came up beside him.

"Why does it matter? He did you a favour. That outfit was hideous. Where'd you get it? Goodwill?" She scoffed and everyone erupted in laughter. My face turned red from embarssement and anger. "Now tell me Lily, where did you get those fake boobs from? Did daddy buy them for you? Oh not to forget those extensions he probably payed 5 pounds for!" I exclaimed. There was a bunch of oohs and laughter and Harry was actually smirking himself. I looked back at Lily who was shocked and started balling her fists up.

"You better stay out of my way bitch." She said coldly. " I have no intrest in you anyway. You're just a fake bitch." I just smirked and walked away without looking back. I could tell that all eyes were on me but I didn't care. When I made my way back to the table, Amelia just stared at me clearly suprised. "What the hell just happened over there?" She asked. " Nothing Mel. Lets just go. I really need to change clothes anyway" I said grabbing my bag and heading out the door.

As we were leaving, I realised something. I'm now the populars next target. Lovely.


Authors note...

Well I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Remember, your votes and commets matter so please do so! I want to thank everyone and i hope you all stay tuned!!! Don't forget to follow me because i follow back!! I'm working on chapter 2 right now, so if you enjoy the fanfic so far, then follow me and stay tuned for updates!!!! I love you all! (:

xx Rachel

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