Chapter 2

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~4 years later~

"Noah James Lee!" I yelled for him to come down, I looked down at my phone, it was 11:34 P.M. he came running down the stairs and sat next to me

"Mummy I was brushing my hair" I got up and walked into the kitchen, he followed me and climbed into the chair and watched me pack a little lunch box and a backpack for him

"Mummy are you done it?" he jumped down and got a bottle water

"Yes baby I'm done. Did you get your pillow, and blanket?" I grabbed me a bottle water, got my purse, and suitcase he nodded and got his little lunch box, backpack, and suitcase. We got in the car and started driving, we live in Ireland still, I never had the money to move back to England so I just stayed in the Northern part of it, we are driving to see Maura, Bobby, Greg and his wife and baby. Niall is on tour, he doesn't know that I have been bring Noah around.

"Mummy how long is the drive going to be?" he was watching Batman in the back seat, with his water in his cup holder and his favorite blanket, I smiled up at him for a few seconds and looked back at the road

"We still have awhile baby, that's why we are driving at night, so you can sleep on the way there and when we get there you can play with Theo the next day." he smiled and showed his baby dimples

"I can't wait to see Theo! Mummy did you know that he has a bed that is shaped like Batman's car!" he squirmed around in his carseat, I laughed a little and nod

"Yes baby I know, maybe on your birthday I'll get you something like that?" he giggled and went back to his movie. We are close to the hotel that I made reservation for, Noah has been asleep for about 4 hours. I exit off the interstate and took the highway. I turned the station on the radio for the 6th time and I heard If I could Fly by One Direction I sighed and turned it off

"Why did you turned if off?" Noah's little voice spoke up, I blinked my tears back and spoke up

"I didn't know you woke up baby, I'm sorry" I made a left and I could see a town from up the hill

"Can you please turn it back on?" I sighed and nodded, I turned it back on, it was at Louis' solo then came Niall's. It was to much for me, I let a few tears go down my face, I quickly wiped my face, the song was off and I saw our hotel.

"We're here!" Noah yelled and tried to wiggle out of his car seat but failed. I parked our car and got our suitcase and got Noah out of his car seat, we was walking into the entrance and was greeted with a nice looking young man, he looked about late 20's with dark blue eyes, black hair, very fit, he looks good, I smiled and walked up to the desk

"Hello ma'am how may I help you?" he smiled at me and Noah, we smiled back at him

"I called about a room for here the other day" he nodded and looked at the computer

"What's the last name?"


"Yes your room is ready, your room number is 16. Will there be anything else I can help you with?" he handed me my room key and shook my head

"No thank you, have nice night" he smiled and nodded, I grabbed Noah's hand we walked over to the elevators, I pushed 2 and we was going on our way up to our room. We got in the room and Noah kicked his shoes off and striped out of his clothes and got in the other bed and passed out, I smiled at my little man. I got everything unpacked and put up, time for me to call Bobby and Maura and tell them that we're here. I called Bobby first knowing that Maura would take the longest to talk to

"Hey Nala! Hows my boy doing?" I smiled

"He's good, sleeping right now, we just now got here."

"I'm glad that you all made it safe and sound. Theo was talking about how he can't wait until he saw Noah again." I laughed lightly, I smiled

"Yeah Noah was the same way on the way here, he never stopped talking about him. I still gotta call Maura"

"All right, I'm going to bed, good night."

"Good Night." I hung up the phone and called Maura

"Hello love! Are you guys here? How's my boy? I can't wait to see you!" I laughed a little

"We made it, Noah is sleeping right now, he's been excited, he can't wait!" She laughed

"He sounds like Niall. Have you talked to him at all?" I sighed

"No." she sighed back, I laid my back against the headboard of the bed

"He knows about Noah right?"

"Yeah, that's why we're not together." I looked over at my little boy, his brown and blonde hair was all over the bed, his little mouth open, little snores coming out of his mouth, I smiled

"I never knew that was the reason why. I'm so hurt that Niall would do that. I raised my son's to be better than that." she did sounded hurt, my heart broke

"We got into a fight about it. It seemed like I couldn't win with the choice I made." I looked at the ground, she sighed

"Niall has missed 4 years of his life, all of it. I never thought that Niall would do something like that!" she sounded more angry than hurt now, oh no! I don't want to start anything, I don't even want Niall to know that I've been bring Noah around his family little lone that his mum is mad at him because I told her what happen between us!

"Yeah. I didn't think he would anything like that too." I didn't know what to say to her

"Does Noah know who his dad is?" I took a breath and closed my eyes

"Not really, I told him that he has a special daddy, and that his special daddy, was a singer and is always working and always on the road."

"At least you didn't lie to him about Niall." I looked over at my little my boy again and smiled

"Yeah I just wish there was an easy way for him to understand more than what he knows. On the way here the radio they was playing If I Could Fly and Noah loved the song, I did too, but deep down I was breaking down." my voice cracked a little and I cleared my throat playing it off as if I was coughing

"Oh honey, I'm sorry, I know it hurts but one day everything will get better, some way somehow. Try and not to get so worried about it all right now, my grandbaby is healthy and is in good hands with his mum who is strong, beautiful, and smart. I love you sweetie. I'm going to bed good night." I smiled

"I love you too, good night." I hung up, I put my phone on the charger, turned the light off and went to bed.


Hello! Hope you guy's like it so far! I've been working on this for a while. Hope you have a lovely day, night, or afternoon whatever! 

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