Chapter 6

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A/N: I'm going to make this in Niall's thought, this is going to be like a little flash back.

Niall's POV

I finally made it to my mum's house. The lads and I are getting a week off, so I'm going to see my mum and the rest of my family before I go back to work. I walked up the door and opened it

"Nala is that you?" I heard mum asked, she walked out of the kitchen and saw me.

"Oh Niall!l My baby boy! I missed you" she came over and hugged me, I hugged her back, we let go and went into the kitchen. Wait did she call me Nala? Is she here? What about the baby? Oh god!

"Mum?" I looked at her and and she looked back at me

"Yes?" she stopped doing what she was doing and leaned over the counter, I was setting down on the bar stool

"Why did you call me Nala?" I was looking into her eye's I can tell she didn't want to say anything

"That's our maide" I know she's lying, she didn't look me in the eye

"Why would you lie to me?" I got up, I can't believe her! She wouldn't tell me if Nala and the kid was here! Does she even know that I still love her?! My own mum for crying out loud! She stood up and walked over to me

"I didn't! Why do you think I would ever lie to you?" I shook my head and then dad walked in

"Hey Niall!" He came over to hug me but I spoke up

"Is Nala here?" he stopped walked and looked from me to mum and back to me, I knew he was lying to me too! For god sakes!

"She is here! Why won't you guys tell me that?!" I was pissed! not only would my mum tell me now my dad wont! I walked out the door, I don't have time to be played with, I drove back to the hotel that the boys was staying in. I finally got walked in the room and layed down

"Hey mate I thought you was going to visit your mum?" Mark asked me I shook my head

"She wasn't home" I lied he nodded

"Well I'm going to head out with the boys, are you going out?" I shook my head no " Are you ok here?" he asked I nodded then he left. I took out my phone and called Greg,


"Hey Greg, what are you up to?" I asked him

"I'm good, how are you?" I heard Theo laughing with a little friend, that could be my kid

"I'm good, I'm in town, the lads and I have a week off" He laughed a little

"Planning on getting drunk?" I laughed

"No" we stopped laughing, I was going to ask him, he wouldn't lie to me, he knows how I feel about Nala.

"Hey can I ask you something?"

"Yeah" I took a deep breath

"Do you or mum and dad see Nala any?" he didn't saying anything else a few seconds

"yeah, we do" I closed my eye's and remember about the baby, the baby that I was scared of taking care of, scared of being a bad dad.

"Does she still have the baby?" I started walking around the room, biting my nails

"Yes. She has a little boy, his name is Noah" my mouth fell open, Nala has always been talking about if she ever has a little boy she wanted to name him Noah

"How long have you all been seeing them? Is she here? Is Noah with her?"

"We have been seeing her and Noah for while. She is here, and so is Noah." He stopped talking, I was pissed, not because Nala and Noah was coming around to see my family, but because MY family wouldn't tell me! Why would they do that!

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