Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry that most of my chapters are short, Wattpad doesn't seem to be working right for some odd reason. Any way I'll let you get back to the story. Oh God love you ;p 

Nala's POV

I missed him, I wanna kiss him, I wanna hold him. But he's not mine to hold anymore. I looked away, Niall walked in front of me and looked me up and down, I did the same, he still looks the same, but his brown hair is growing back.

"Nala you look beautiful. You look so small" Niall's voice has gotten deeper and thicker, I nod

"Yeah, chasing after a 4 year old helps your weight after a while" he smiled at me, I gave him a half smile. I walked over to couch and sat down, Niall took a set next to me. I guess this is it, the talk that I always knew that was gonna happen, the talk that I've been trying to be prepared to have with him and Noah.

"Look Nala, I want to start off by saying I'm so sorry," I looked up into his blue eye's "I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help you when you need me there, I'm sorry for walking out on you the way that I did. I'm sorry that I wasn't a good boyfriend and a good father to Noah" my eyes were watery, I blinked a few times then I started to speak

"Niall I'm not the one you have to apologize to for not being a good dad, Noah is your son too, you should apologize to him. You don't know how hard it is when he asked me 'Why is daddy working all the time' or 'dose daddy even know that I'm here? I want a daddy. Dose daddy love us any more?' I had to lie to my son about all of it! I had to hear about it all. I had to listen to my son cry when we go somewhere and he sees a dad and his son together." I was crying, so was Niall

"I know that what I done was wrong, and that I wasn't a man for doing what I did, but now that we are older, and I see my brother with his son, and I see how fun it is to have a kid made me realize that I lost everything that any real man ever wanted." Niall stopped talking and was watching every little move that I make, then he spoke up again

"When I first saw him, I knew he was mine, He looks so much like you but yet he looks like me, I fell in love with that little boy when I saw him laying on you. You don't know how bad I wish that I could have taken that day back. I told Greg and Denise everything that happened that day I walked out." Niall kept leaning in, I moved back a little, Niall stopped

"We can't do it, not until I know everything will be fine for me and Noah, until I know that you want to be a dad, and want to be a family." I said, he nod and looked me in the eyes, I spoke up

"Um, would you like to, um meet your son?" I asked, I hope he want's this more than I do right now, he smiled

"I would love to meet our son" I smiled and got up, we walked up to the living room, we saw Denise and Greg setting on the couch, Denise smiled at me and she poked Greg, I looked up at her and she nod her head towards Niall and I, he saw us and smiled

"Please tell me you guys are together, and it's going to stay that way" Greg asked us, I looked at Niall, I wonder what he's going to say, we never spoke about us, just Noah, that's the only thing we need to focus on

"If Nala wants to" he looked at me, I shrugged

"maybe" Niall nod and looked back at Greg, then we heard Theo and Noah running down the stairs

"I'm hungry!" Noah ran up to me, I squated down to Noahs height, Theo was laying on Greg and Denise

"I know baby, mummy promises you that I will take you and Theo out to get something to eat" Noah smiled really big, I saw Niall and he smiled really big at Noah, Noah looked who I was looking at and walked over to Niall slowly, Niall squatted next to him

"You look like me" Noah told him, Niall smiled at him

"You look like me" Niall told, Noah smiled and giggled at him

"Are you my daddy?" Noah asked, Niall looked up at me, I nod at him, Niall was about to talk until Noah said something

"If you're not it's ok, my daddy is working, I just wanted to see my daddy." Niall look like he had been crushed. My heart broke in two, my little boy had been hurting. Niall sat down on the floor and took Noah's little hand and sat Noah on his lap, Noah looked at me, I nod, then he looked at Niall. Niall closed his eyes and took a deep breath then open his eyes.

"Noah, I have something to tell you. You look like me because I'm your daddy" 

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