It's official.

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I added it to my style log.

So I have my cartoon/chibi style, my normal style, and my line style.

-easiest and fastest
-no/stumpy hands
-no shading
-little highlights
-can be coloured in marker (no need for shading)
-inked in pen
-big round eyes
-square-ish head
-straight body
-super messy (quick) hair

-second easiest
-no/stumpy hands
-no shading
-highlights are one white line (if any)
-no colouring
-usually inked with marker
-square-ish eyes
-square-ish head
-body type unknown (I haven't gotten around to drawing a full body yet)
-big, poofy hair with strange lines

-hardest/most realistic, takes the most time
-actual hands
-little to lots of shading (depends on how lazy I am and how realistic I want it to be)
-little to lots of highlights (see above)
-coloured in pencil crayons (good for shading)
-inked in black pen or not at all
-realistic-shaped eyes
-realistic head
-body actually looks like a body and not fat sticks with feet on the end
-long hair usually falls in clumps and short hair is very spiky

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