And here's the video game guy. I was supposed to draw a pharaoh name Semerkhet and there was also a guy from a video game named Semerkhet so I accidentally drew the wrong guy. But I liked it too much and already spent two classes working on it so I kept it. Hopefully my teacher doesn't play Tomb Raider.
And Prismacolours are awesome. I don't know how I could forget that.
Same with Percy Jackson. He's awesomer than Prismacolours.
I haven't been doodling lately because I'm reading Percy Jackson instead. That's why I have barely any schoodles.
Strangely long chapter. Imma go sleep.
Nicole's Book of Art, Photos, and Cheese
RandomAs if there weren't enough of these already. I'll post some random stuff like art, edited photos, incomprehensible music stuff (guitar, mostly), maybe some one shots and rants, and definitely CHEESE!