Chapter 6 - Dinner Time!

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Jacob comes back and we all order..

"I would like your hamburger au bacon épicée" [Which is French for a Savoury Bacon Burger, sorry I tried to make it sound fancy.]

"Uhm I would like the doou... uhm the dooou, pou.. lit? Okay nvm." ~Taylor points to the food name~

Jacob and I both look to see what she was talking about and at the same time we said

"doux sandwich au poulet ranch..." [Which is French for sweet ranch chicken sandwich], {and by the way all the foods, resturants, and stuff I made up.}(If your wondering how they know what it is if it's in French, its because it has a description in English on the bottom of it)

Our eyes meet when we said that

"Oh and she thinks me flirting with someone in a resturant is wierd, she's the one speaking French Pench with this new waitress in town" Blake mumbles (He said waitress on purpose) 

Perri: poisson et frites aigre-douce (Sweet and sour fish and chips)  Blake: côtes chauds et épicés (Hot and spicy ribs)   Cassie: {Same as Taylor}   Mr. Stevens: {Same as Blake}   Mrs. Stevens: {Same as Me}

-Food Comes- 

"So how are your classes Adriana." "They are great thank you." 

"You seem like a musical person, have you ever been to music class?" "Yes in fact I'm taking that class right now for my electives"

~We continue talking about school, and work, and we all finish and it's time for dessert~

Since we are all chocolate lovers (Cassandra, Perri, Taylor and I) we all ordered our favorite dessert RASPERRY CHOCOLATE MOOSE! 

"May I have 4 orders of Mousse au chocolat aux framboises" 

"Je vais leur dire de faire sien un peu plus doux." Jacob said

"vous n'avez pas trop causer votre douceur sera assez sur elle"


I'll tell them to make yours a little sweeter

You don't have to your sweetness will be enough ;)

Mr. Stevens: "Remember when we went on our first date and we both shared a small chocolate cake which I believe is the petit gâteau au chocolat noir"

Jacob: "Yes it is!"

Mrs. Stevens: "We'll take that, what would you like Blake"

Blake: "banane mélange de crème glacée" (Banana Ice Cream Mix)

Jacob: "vous pouvez parler français aussi?" (You speak French too?}

Blake: "What?!"

Adriana: "s'il le voulait, il se sentirait retardée par l'entreprise" (if he would he would feel retarded by now)

Jacob laughs.

Blake: "Haha very funny you act like your some know it all from Italy"

Mrs. Stevens: "Well it is her night"

~Dessert comes too and we all eat up while talking about the economy...~

Jacob: "Would you guys like anything else tonight?"

Mr. Stevens: "I Think that's it..right guys?"

Everyone: "Yes"

Jacob gives the bill and says "Have a good night everyone.." Then he says in French "n'oubliez pas de m'appeler" (Don't forget to call me..)

It was then I noticed the piece of scrap paper with his number and name on it, I quickly threw it in the purse.. and said "Let's go.. hehe" 

Blake: "This was fun.." ~Rolls Eyes~

We get in the limo, and come back home. "Thanks!!"

Perri: "n'oubliez pas de m'appeler?! I'm smart enough to know what that means! Tell me about it.."

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