Chapter 7- Someone is Cranky =.=

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I replayed the scenes of Jacob and I.. Gosh was he cute! I didn't realize I was blushing until Taylor came in the room

"Gosh, someone had a night!" Taylor said

"What are you talking about?" I said nervously

"Dude; you're blushing..." She said with a straight face. I put my face in my hands and made a annoyed grunting noise

"UGH what am I going to do?!" I said. "What do you mean you're going to do? HE'S HOT you have got to call him" she said

"But you should've seen Blake's face during this whole flirting session you had" she said honestly

"What do you mean" I asked

"I swear you are SO blind sometimes, DUDE he looked jealous" she said

"You really need to stop saying dude... And no he was NOT jealous" I said

"Ask the other girls I'm not gonna be the only maniac who sees this..." She got up from the chair she was sitting on

"Call the FRENCH FRY RIGHT NOW!" She shouted. Wait. Dd she just say french fry? This girl sometimes...

"Yes mother" I gulped scared....

I took the paper out of my if I may add quite cute bag that I got for sale ;)

I looked at the note:

011-40-20-7499-9000. <<<<(by the way this is what a phone number from Europe specific-british- number looks like)

J'attendrai votre appel ;) xxx

(ENGLISH: I will be awaiting for your call)

Hmm.... Should I call him today? No... I'll look too desperate PUH-LEEZ I've seen it any many movies....

If I call him tomorrow ... WAIT what if he FORGETS ME?!?! No... He wouldn't ... As I was thinking I thought about Blake. Was Perrie right? Was he jealous? Hmm.. This oughta be interesting....

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