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"Ecchi shiyou." someone whispered softly in my ear.

"look you fucking weirdo that's not how you pick up a women. You are such a-" I turned my head and noticed who it was. I looked at the man in shock. I stared at him for a while then quickly turning my head to my phone.

"What? You look like you saw a ghost." He tapped on my shoulder to try and get me to turn around again. Mariah looked up at me and saw my facial expression.

"I think I did see a ghost," I said replied rather quietly.

"And you were going to call me a freak. Wow. Now that's low." he looked back at his friends.

"No, George. That's not low."

"Wait, how do you know my name?"

"Oh, right. Hello George. My name is Samantha Collins." I turned slid my phone in my pocket and held out my hand as if it were a formal greeting.

"Uh, hi. Sam. It's really weird how you know my name. Do I know you from somewhere?" He shook my hand awkwardly.

"No Joji. I suppose you don't know me from anywhere." I rudely smiled and turned back around. the train car stopped and I grabbed Mariah's hand then lead her away from the station. George startd to follow and the group of guys got off as well.

"Hey, dude where are you going?" one of his friends called out.

"Go on without me, I know my way back." He was jogging to catch up. I was basicall dragging Mariah behind me I was walking so fast in a rage. "Wait please stop," he begged me. I could see the front door. It was so close until he had caught up and bocked my path.

"I've never chased down a girl before." he took a breathe, shrugged and looked around to find out where he was. He looked back at me. I let go of Mariah and she looked at me then got the message to go inside. "Now how is it you called me Joji? Only my friends and music fans call me that."

"Yeah, George, I know." I was so mad for some reason I looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Oh no, please don't cry," he said. He held out his arms and he walked up to me. More tears ran down my face silently. I was not sobbing or whimpering I just had tears running down my face. When his arms wrapped around me, he saw something.

------joji's POV------
I couldn't believe I chased down a girl. She knew who I was and I felt a little bad that I didn't know her. She started.... crying. I had to give her a hug I couldn't stand seeing someone like that.
As I wrapped my arms around her I remembered. It was her. I felt even worse for forgetting about her. I kissed her then left a year ago. "Im sorry."

------my POV------
"I'm sorry Sam," he said. My tears had almost stopped when he had spoke. "I'm sorry for what I did a year ago. If you let me come in I can explain everything," he remebered.

"alright," I said. He leaned away and smiled. He nudged to go in. I started to walk and he followed. I opened the door and everyone was sitting at the table looking bored. Noah looked up from his boredom.

"Who's that?" he asked worried.

"What is he doing in the house?!" Mariah yelled.

"Neither of you need to worry about it," I reasured them. "Let's go up stairs," I said to him. I grabbed his arm and lead him up the wooden staircase. We went into my room and I shut the door. I sat in the office chair and he sat on the edge of the bed. We sat there in silence. He stared at me trying to collect his thoughts.

"You never came back for the next semester? I thought I would never see you again yet here you are. In Japan. Honestly I thought you were dead but nope, here you are. Alive and well," I started to vent.

"look calm down. The reason I never came back is because my mom moved me to up state New York. I had no way of contacting you when she did. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you one the subway."

"it semmed you didn't remember me at all. It has only been a year," I stated

"Wrong. I have remembered you. When I was leaving to come back here for the summer I was wanting to give you something because I half suspected that my mom was going to put me in another college and I wasn't able to get it to you in time." he pulled out a necklace her wore around his neck from inside his shirt. "This was supposed to be for you."

"You have changed. You weren't like this back then," I said. I got up and held the necklace that was around his neck in my small hand. He looked down at it then up at me.

"Do you still want it?" he asked. I looked up at his with my big brown eyes. He took it off and put it on me. "It's supposed to bring good luck." I smiled then looked at the time.

"its eleven. You might need to get going before your friends start to wander what's up," I said not meaning to run him out. He looked over at the time and sighed.

"yeah I guess so huh." he stood up. He was a little taller then me. I grabbed his hand and lead him out of my room and down the stairs. Everyone was still at the table.

I opened the door slightly then Drake saw Joji's face. "Hey, your filthy Frank!" he said excitedly.

Joji looked over, smiled and laughed a bit. "Nah man."

"but you look exactly like him," Drake said trying to prove it was really him.

"No. But if he ever Just comes in here or pink guy or any of those dumbasses, don't be alarmed just let it happen. Alright? Well, you guys take care now." he waved and he stepped outside and I followed. I shut the door behind me. "You know, it was Good to see you again. Looks like that necklace really does work."

"I guess so," I replied with a small smile.

"Well, I will see you later then."

"yeah." We both stood there waiting for something to happen. After a minute he spoke.

"Well, goodbye." he smiled and turned to walk away.

"George wait." I took a step after him. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him toward me. I wrapped my arms around him and he looked surprised. He relaxed and put his arms around me.

I pulled away and he started to walk backwards. I waved bye to him and he turned and walked away in the darkness. When he finally faded from my sight I went in.

"So who was he?" Noah asked me.

"Show me this Filthy Frank charater you always so annoyingly reference," I pointed at Drake.

"are you sure?" he asked a bit suprised.

"Yes, I'm sure." I sat down on the couch.

"Alright! Mariah your friend here is about to be ruined for life." he went up stairs to grab his laptop. I've known about him making youtube videos but I had never bothered to ask him anything further than that.

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