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     He was different from what i remember. Not much but he still was. It could have been because it was a year later but what ever it was i liked it. In the past he would have never willingly hold my hand in public. But now he did. i felt like i was holding the hand of a stranger but it also felt like i held the hand of someone i had loved for my entire life. I liked what ever it was.

      We had gotten on the subway. He took me to the Hiroshima memorial garden for some reason. I didn't think he honestly cared even though he is part Japanese. He educated me on a lot of it. It was such a beautiful place. It was just so peaceful. He took me to some other places before he had decided that we should eat. He took me to a place that translated to Alcatraz E.R.

      I expected it to seem normal even if the name wasn't, and it was all but normal. We walked down a hallway that looked like a dungeon of some sort. "What the hell George?" i said a little worried.

      "What?" he looked back at me smiling.

      "I'm a little scared what is this place?"

     "Its called Alcatraz E.R. and its a restaurant with a mix of themes such as a prison a hospital and a medieval dungeon. Pretty cool huh?" the table was in a cell.  I mean it was nice to have a little private area but a cell? "I know, i know. Asian people." he smiled and rolled his eyes. "But then again you cant really find anything like this in america." i stayed quiet until we order drinks.

      "So, how is California since i left school there?" he asked, making better conversation.

      "Well i mean its no different." i kept my talking to a minimal.

      "So... Boring?" he started playing my game to get me to talk more to him.

      "It is now. I mean, you left and it was just so quiet. I think you actually made going to collage there worth it."

      "Oh really?" he sounded kind of surprised. "So i wasn't boring?"

      "Actually you were the farthest thing from boring to me. And plus you were basically my best friend back then." i mouthed thank you to the waitress when she handed me my herbal tea as Joji talked.

      "You never told me i was. But hey at least i can tell my parents that i had friends back in California."

      "Is that why they transfered you to another collage?"

      "No. My mom had thought i was to smart for the school, i was getting all A's but at the same time i was skipping to many classes they were so boring so she decided to move me all the way across the country. I am now going to Harvard."

      "Well i mean i could agree with her." i paused. "I was in half of your classes and you never skipped those." i took a sip of my tea. He slightly smiled.

      "I never thought you noticed."

      "You sat by me half of the time."

      "Remember the time you cheated off my mythology exam? You didn't think i knew about it didn't you?"

      "Oh no, i knew you knew but even worse i know you let me."

      "Yeah i cant lie about that one."

      "You helped me pass that class." after talking about California we ordered.

      "If you don't mind, since we are basically strangers to each other again do you wanna start from the beginning?" he was wanting to restart, throw everything we previously knew about one another away. It sounded like a fairly good idea to me. I just smiled and nodded. "Hi my name is George miller but all my friends call me Joji." he held his hand out to shake it.

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