An old friend

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      My friends and I had gotten back to our Japan trip without George but I couldn't help but think about him. Everything we did I wished He was with me. Dear god, I had realized how clingy I really was. After a few days without him I couldn't Help but invite him to go to Universal Japan with us even though he has probably gone there so many times and laughed at all the fucking Weabs there were in the park. He gladly accepted my invite. He was to basically our tour guide for the day.

      The day we were going to universal was the mark of week two for being in Japan. it had seemed like it was going by so quick. "Yo wake the fuck up." He yelled as he walked into the apartment early in the morning. "I go back and forth between America and here and some times Australia and I'm never this fucking jet lagged." He said walking up the stairs.

      "Get up fuckers." He knocked loudly on Mariah and Drakes door. Mariah sat up suddenly out of shock. He knocked on my door, "Sam. Babe, You up?" I didn't answer. He opened the door. "Hey babe, its time to get up if you want to spend the entire day there." He walked in. I wasn't in bed. He noticed the bathroom light was on and stood in the door way. "What are you doing?" He asked me scanning my body with his eyes.

      "Getting ready. What the fuck does it look like?" I said with bobby pins in my mouth attempting a messy bun. It worked out fairly well.

      "Something is different." He said examining me. "Its your hair, you did something to it didn't you?" He asked.

      "Yes actually, I did." I answered shoving the last few bobby pins in.

      "I can tell by that shitty ass dye job." He said.

      "Is it really that bad?" I started to get a little paranoid.

      "Nah, I'm just messing with you." He said.

      "Fuck you Joji." I punched him in the shoulder as I walked by him. I went to the other side of the room to change my pants.

      "Should I leave before-"

      "You've seen me just last week without pants on." I Left them on the floor until I put the other pair on.

      "By the way, Nice shirt? How did you get it so fast?" He sat on the bed asking me about my Franku shirt.

      "I have my connections." I winked at him then walked into the bathroom to do my makeup. He gave me a "Yeah right" face. "No seriously, I have connections with Spreadshirt. My brother works for them." I said digging through my makeup bag. He didn't talk to me while I applied my makeup to my face so I could concentrate on what I was doing. It was rare when my eyeliner looked good and everything else as well but today it was. I was on point. I had finished and opened my door to walk out of the room. "Hey yo bitches. Are you guys ready?" I yelled walking down the stairs and into the kitchen with George following behind me.

      I looked in the fridge for anything interesting to snack on before leaving when Mariah and Drake came flopping down the stairs and Noah opened the down stairs bathroom door and turned off the light. We all put on our shows at the door and agreed we were all ready. Joji opened the door and we had all piled out of the apartment. I locked the door and clipped my lanyard to a belt loop on my pants. All of us proceeded to walk down the street and to the subway.

      We haven't really gotten to do anything majorly big like this since we have been here. We were being loud as fuck all the way to the station. It was like being back in high school with all my friends again. A lot of times George would pull on my lanyard as we walked. "go fuck yourself", I would say or just simply flip him off. When we go on the train we were fairly quiet. we were on it probably for an hour or longer. The train dropped us off a ways away but we could still see Universal from the station.

      We were once again acting like loud ass teenagers. First thing I saw was the fucking rollercoaster. "Yes!" I yelled. "I want to ride that!" I said like a little kid walking into an amusement park for the first time.

      "First?" Joji Asked me as we walked up to the ticket booth. 

      "Yes first." I said demandingly as I showed the Asian lady my ticket on my phone and paid for George.

      He shrugged his shoulders, "Ight." He said. We waited for Mariah, Drake and Noah  before we walked in. As we walked in we saw some one very familiar. She looked around anxiously. Zoe?  I said to myself. I recognized her blond hair and her face. Someone I hadn't seen since high school was in the same place at the same time as us. Mariah instantly pushed through me and ran to her and tackled her.

      "Why are you here?" She questioned Zoe.

      "Some guy sent me a plan ticket and a universal ticket and said he was Franku." She said. Joji and i walked up hand in hand.

      "Yeah that was me." He waved.

      "No fucking way. Didn't Drake always talk about this fucker?" He eyes widened in disbelief.

      "Yep this is him In person. This is THE Filthy Frank. Apparently Sam went to college with him her freshman year at Cal Tech." Mariah stated.

      "Wait a minute, was this the guy you always talked about on skype?" She asked facing me. She noticed we were holding hands. "And you are finally together." I quickly pulled away my hand from his but he half didn't want to let go. Since Noah and Drake were fucking off elsewhere I decided to break it to her that the entire thing with me and him was a prank and we wanted to see how long people would believe it. 

      After reuniting with Zoe we spent the entire day at universal Japan. Drake was a complete asshole the entire time we were there. I really have no idea why we decided to bring him along on this trip.

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