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I had suffered through two hours of filthy frank videos. I thought it was sad that while watching such trashy videos I actually liked him even more. What the actual fuck is wrong with me?

I was awakened when the covers were ripped from off of me and my body suddenly became cold. "Fuck off," I had said reaching for anything close to me to keep me warm.

"Hey, wake everyone up other than the one that seems to be a big fan of my channel." A deep voice rang through my ears. I opened my eyes and rolled over. I noticed George standing at the foot of my bed wearing some Adidas soccer pants, a white t-shirt, and a hat that had his messy hair sticking out from underneath it in every which way. I sighed and sat up. I let my vision clear a bit then stood. I walked down the hall and woke up mariah who seemed to have taken over the bed in the room. She was spread edge to edge on the bed and her boyfriend was sound asleep on the wood floor with only a few blankets and a pillow.

I stretched myself across her and whispered in her ear, "Mariah, get up." She groaned not having it. "Come on get up," I whispered again. She let out a breath and pushed me off of her. I smiled and rolled off the bed. We both carefully stepped around the sleeping bear and headed down the stairs. In the kitchen, there was an Asian man wearing a red body suit sitting on the counter as something sizzled on the stove and water boiled in a pot. "What?" I questioned.

Don't mind him," George said. "I'm going to go change. wake up the curly headed one." He patted my shoulder and headed for the down stairs bathroom with a bag. The other one set the table with foods for lunch.

"Noah!" I tackled him.

"Why do you have to wake me up like that? Why can't you be normal for once?" He asked a little frustrated still with his eyes closed.

"That's coming from you," I replied. He sat up and peeled his eyelids apart to reveal his surroundings. George walked out of the bathroom wearing a pink body suit much like his friends.

"Ah what the hell?" Noah was concerned for what was about to happen.

"Alright, time to make a mess," Joji said to his friend. "Don't worry, we will clean it up later," He exclaimed. They both proceeded to drag out unnecessary items and scatter the all over the kitchen making a mess with sauces, noodle crumbs, vegetables and random pots and pans.

"Why?" Questioned Mariah. I didn't blame her. It was the weirdest thing any of us had every rally witnessed.

"Go wake the other one and tell him pink guy and red dick are here ruining the kitchen while making lunch. it's one in the afternoon anyway," he requested. I made my way back up the wooden stairs and to the second floor. Mariah followed me to the room she and her boyfriend were staying in.

"Hey asshole, rise and shine," I recited. "Drake, you wont believe this but Pink Guy and Red Dick are making a mess in the kitchen. They seem to be making lunch. you should go check it out."

"Fucking liar," He mumbled cuddling the blanket wishing to go back to sleep once again. There was a loud crash down stairs and extremely obnoxious noises.

"Bet." I pulled the blanket from his grip. He flipped me off then got up to see all of the commotion.

"Am I dreaming," He asked as he noticed the mess covering the kitchen floor and cabinets.

"I fucking told you asshole."

"hey if you don't mind I want to take you out later. What do you say? Maybe go downtown, get something to eat, catch up. It's up to you but..." he said before I stepped completely on the first floor.

"yeah. Yeah yeah I would love to." I said.

"alright well, let's eat." he said as he grabbed my hand and turned.

"yes food!" Drake was more excited. "wait was this made in a toilet or anything?" he said quickly stopping.

"Nah I strictly told them no toilet and I told Frank he couldn't come because he wanted to make the ramen and we all know what that would have been like." he smirked at me.

The food was amazing. Joji and all of his friends got right to cleaning afterwards. The kitchen was basically spotless when they were done. I put my shoes on at the door when the got done. George put his on after me. "where are you going?" Mariah asked curiously.

"out." I said back.

"can I go?" she asked.

"not this time." I replied as George grabbed my hand. "you losers are going to hang out and have fun and what not just don't burn anything down." I said as Joji an I walked out the door.

We walked down the street in silence.

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