Saying Goodbye

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      After a month of being in Japan, living another life away from America, it was time to pack up and go to the airport. Joji's friends volunteered to take the left over food in the house Before we left. They were going to be there for another month and didn't want it to go to waste. They were nice enough to drive us to the airport to catch our flight instead of us having to call for a cab.

      pulling up in front of the doors almost made me a bit depressed we were leaving so soon. "Alright guys I hope you all have a safe fight back." one of the guys said. Joji smiled at me.

      "Thank you guys for being so nice to us the entire time we were here it really means a lot to us." I said back.

      "Ah no problem. if you ever come back you know we will most likely be here." he said. Zoe opened the door and  I opened the other door. We started to roll out of the car.

      "Ill help you guys get your bags." Joji said following me out the door of the car. He popped the trunk and we grabbed out bags. he slammed it shut and I looked him in the eyes. He stuck his hands in his pockets. "Lets go." He said motioning to the doors. He closed the two car doors and poked his head through the window. "I'm going to go in with them. Ill be out in a bit." He said to his friend.

      "Alright man." He said back. George hit the top of the car and jogged to catch up with us. I felt his hand slide into mine. The airport confused me but all airports confused me. Security was a bitch and took pretty much forever to get through. We had to have finally gotten through it after half an hour. Our flight was called and we were rushing to get to our gate. George helped us with that. He's been in and out of this airport so many times he new it like the back of his hand.

      Three tickets handed to the flight attendant and I was saying good bye to George. "I never got your number, your skype anything." He said to me not letting my hand go as I tried to get on the plane.

      "yes you did." I said turned to give my ticket to the flight attendant.

      "No. I didn't."

      "Joji I have to get on this plane. I cant buy another ticket to California our of here if I miss this flight." I said.

      "Alright." He pulled me close to him. I had to look up at him.

      "George I have to go. Ill talk to you later okay?" I said to him.

       "Miss the flight will be taking off any minute now." The attendant said. I handed my ticket to her and I looked back at George. He kissed me then I felt his hands slide down my back and to his side.

      "Talk to you later." He whispered. I smiled and rushed to get on the plane. I quickly took my seat beside Mariah and let out a deep breath. She looked over at me.

      "He's no good for you." She said as if she knew.

      "Well you're a lot to late for your chance so I don't need you telling me that he's not good for me." I said closing my eyes wanting to relax all the way back home.

      "I've known you longer then he has." She tried defending her self.

      "Can we have this talk later. maybe when we get home." I asked her.

      "Fine." She sighed. George started to walk back to the entrance where he came from and stopped at the window tunnel to watch the plane take off. When the plane was far out of sight he kept walking. His friends still waited on him in the car.

      "Hey she left something." One of his friends said handing him a piece of paper as he got in.

       "What is it?" He asked taking the slip of paper.

      "I don't know. It was where she sat so I just assumed it was hers." He said driving off. Joji unfolded the white sheet of paper. It was my hand writing. He folded it back up without even reading it and pulled out his phone.

      "Fuck." He said remembering he didn't have my number. He put his phone back in his pocket and held the folded paper in between his fingers. He watched outside the window for a bit then opened the letter.

Joji it wasn't long that we got to see each other again but I had a good time. you never asked but I'm going to give it to you anyway. Incase you want it here is my number and if you ever want to talk face to face I know neither of us can really fly to where one another is so here is my skype as well.

      My skype was at the bottom of the page along with my phone number. Now how would a long distance relationship work out if neither of us had each others numbers? "Yes I did." He whispered to himself. He folded the note back up and put it in his pocket with his phone.

      "What?" His friend thought he was talking to him.

      "Its nothing." He said smiling and looking back out the window.

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