Chapter 6

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Harrys POV:

11 PM

I had to get Olivia to get a new perspective of me. I honestly dont understand why she would judge me like that and think of me as a piece of shit , not even knowing my whole story. Maybe, just maybe i can get through to her, and let her hear the real story. Maybe, I'll tell her why i do what i do and she will understand? I dont know... maybe i should just sleep on it.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I had one thing figured out. I had made my mind up to dress nicer today and try to apologize for everything I have done to her. I hope she will give me the time and day to say what I have to say to her..

I took my shower and put on my black skinny jeans, V-neck, t-shirt, my too necklaces I always wear, white converse and finally my black leather jacket. I took one final look at myself in the mirror before grabbing my keys and heading out. When I got to the school I was running late but hell, what’s new? I thought as I chuckled to myself. Walking through the same old doors sure does get old I told myself, knowing it was going to be a long day.  

I was on my way to Mr. Horans class thinking about what I was going to say to her... I couldn’t think of it... well at least I’m trying to change my ways. All day everyone kept looking at me and the girls where always all over me. It gets really old believe it or not. Sometimes it feels like she’s watching over and shaking her at me. My thoughts soon interrupted like always by the bell ringing just as I made it in the class. Mr. Horan kept looking at me and it was starting to make me mad... I mean eyes can go elsewhere asshole. Wait harry just calm down and focus. You have things to do and it’s not rant about fucking Blondie up here.

I got out a piece of paper and wrote

                “Need to talk to you... Just give me a couple minutes after school. Please? “

I passed the note to her and I hope that she would take it from me... she can be a bitch at times. I snapped back to reality when I heard someone calling my name.. It Horan. I looked up and he just stood there looking at me like he wanted to kill me. I mean by all means if you want you can try. You sure as hell won’t be the first person that has tried this one me. I sort of had a smirk on my face while looking at him.  

“Harry, something funny? “ he said with his annoying accent that for some reason made the girls in here go crazy about.

“Uh no. any reason you keep looking at me dumb founded? I mean it that your note? No. so don’t things that doesn’t belong to you. “I said as I got out of my seat snatching the note from him and looking him in the eyes.

“Actually Olivia gave it to me. Obviously she doesn’t want to be bothered by so you can go ahead and take what’s mine “ he said going back to his desk getting a detention slip “ and see me after school “ That little bastard I thought.. He just fucking ruined my chance. God dammit. 

I looked at Olivia a little pissed off and her eyes traveled to mine. Our gazes never left each other’s until my big mouth had to magically open.

Nialls POV.

I can’t stand that little fucker. He really pissed me off. Olivia is terrified of him and he has the courage to ask her to meet after school? Um. No I don’t think so.  She’s coming with me so we can talk about things... I need her to be mine. Most importantly I don’t need HIM ruining my chance. He doesn’t deserve her like I’ve said in the past.

The school bell finally rang and everyone headed out the door except for harry and Olivia. Shit I forgot. I gave him detention today.

“Harry your detention is canceled. You have it tomorrow. Got it? “I said giving him a stern look.

“My pleasure Horan” that little twat said as he had a grin on his face leaving the room.

I looked at Olivia and asked her if she was ready to go and she said yeah she was. In her mind she’s getting tutored... But in mine... I was going to tell her how I feel.  

The car ride there was silent. Nothing at all was said and I guess that was okay? We got to my front step and I unlocked it and told her to make herself at home. I went to my room and changed into lounging clothes and went back there. She was still there... sitting there gracefully... She was so beautiful. She looked absolutely like an angle. I went to go sit down when I someone was knocking at my door.  It was... it was fucking harry. I stepped outside and closed the door letting Olivia know I’d be right back.

“How do you know where I live? “ I said squinting my eyes at him and my arms crossed.

“I followed you dumbass. I mean it’s kind of obvious right? But forget me. I came to get Olivia from you. I need to talk to her. Whether YOU want me to or not.  I am. “He stood there with his hands in his pockets. Calm as ever and not even taking his eyes off of me. Wow. He’s kidding right?

hello ! well what do you guys think? whats harry going to say next ? his smart mouth, do you think hes going to really change for her?? tell me what you guys think! Oh and my new helper is named gabbi(: well i call her that (: she will be on here and if you have any questions you can ask either of us. well be sure to keep reading and comment and share. love you guys!

remember i wont update untill I get 8 comments on this chapter.

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