Chapter 10

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Harrys POV:

Niall and I waited patiently for it to be visiting hours. I was ready to see Olivia, to see her beautiful face again.

 Niall just wouldn't shut up thought. I mean i know  hes worried and all but does he not know when to stop talking? I was getting irritated because the doc was taking forever and I was just getting annoyed. Im not even sure how to describe the mood im in. Whatever it was it was about to end. 

" can you shut the hell up?" I snapped at niall.

"excuse me?" The fucking teacher of the year said back to me. 

"You have not shut the hell up since we have been here. Do you not understand that?" I gritted my teeth together. He was about to respond Until the doctor started walking towards us. 

" hello--"

before he could even finish niall just had to jump in and he ask how she was doing. 

" well if you would shut the fuck up, and let him finish--" I then again was cutt off but not by him. By someone else. 

" hey guys.." Olivia said. She was in a weel chair and Iooked.. she looked so sick. I mean what i could i expect though.. she was just shot.. 

" we had to take the bullet out.. it was much easier than we expected it to be. Your lucky it didnt go any further though. She would have not made it if that was the case. Now She needs to stay in bed. I want no moving around unless she has to go to the bathroom or something. She is to not pick up anything heavy. I have given her some medication, which will be need to be picked up at the pharmacy. I will need to see her in about two weeks to see how everything is coming along. Is there any questions? " the doctor said and i shook my head and niall shook his hand and thanked him for everything. 


Olivias POV:

I woke up in a daze. Not really aware of my surroundings. Thats something that i dont like. I hate not knowing where i am. I tired to sit up but then i was hastily put down. 

What the hell?

what the actual fuck?

I hate hospitals.. 

"ah. your awake. how are you feeling?" the doctor asked me. 

"me? oh ya know. I feel great!" I said. What the hell did he expect? damn.

" well thats fantastic!" he said back and laughed. Im not really sure what he found funny though. I wasn't laughing. Not at all. 

" can i go home now?" I asked. I felt horrible. 

" Yes, yes you can. But theres some things you need to follow in order to make sure the healing process goes right. Understand?" Each word he said its like it dragged on more and more. I just shook my head. 

In the middle of his talking he was interrupted by the door opening and a nurse coming with a wheel chair. 

" ah thank you Mrs. Middleton. Olivia, i hope you have been listening to everything I have been saying to you. Its very important that you do. Now shes going to get you all ready to go home now. Ill be out there talking to the people that are waiting on you." 

Did he just say two? two people are waiting on me? uhh. 

" whos out there?" i asked. 

"oh um two gentlemen. Ill be informing them of everything ill be expecting also. Have a great day and stay safe olivia." he looked at me and then vanished out into the hallway. 

I could not believe niall and harry where here... Least I hope its them. I mean i do but then again i dont. Harry gives me mixed signals. Im not even sure what to think about him. To be honest I felt bad.. bad for not giving niall any chances that he deserves. 


Naill POV.

"be careful! " i yelled at harry while he was helping me put oli into the car. Oh my. haha I just called her Oli.. Oh well, I like it. its cute and different. 

" alright. Im taking her and Im sure she will call you or something." i simply stated to harry. He looked at me like he wanted to punch me in the face. He always has to start something doesn't he? 

I returned the look as if saying no. Now is not the time for this. 

He looked at olivia and she looked at him and leaned in...oh no. please no. tell me this was not happening right infront of my eyes. 

*oh get ahold of yourself niall! your a damn teacher. Shes the student. What did you expect?*

that stupid voice came into my head. And before i knew it his lips where on hers. 

 He pulled away and I just looked at him and then back down at the ground. Im not sure what his plan is.. but i dont like it. He shut the car door right as i was about too. 

"You think you can get her? Your a teacher. You cant. More importantly, you wont. " He smirked and walked off. 

I stood there and slowly turned around and to walk to the driver side of the car. I didnt know what to feel or think. I mean this kid is like 18 and im letting him get to me. 

*Because your not trying hard enough..*

There's that stupid voice again. 

when i got into the car I looked and oli was passed out. I smiled at how beautiful she looked. She looked so perfect. I honestly dont think ill ever get over at how perfect she is. 

I started the car and slowly pulled out of the of that damned hospital. 


hello babes! Its christina here! so I tried to make this chapter longer. I hope it was good! im so sorry i have not uploaded anything in forever! Ive had a serious case of writers block. Anyhow I hope everyone is doing alright. Please comment,and vote. Its important I know what your thinking and what you want to happened and so on. 

- xx. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2013 ⏰

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