Chapter 5 - A Night Of Nightmares

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*Rainbow Dash's P.O.V.* We went to bed, but as we laid down it had started to storm outside, shy was still afraid of thunder, so we slept very closely that night in each others embrace, it was comforting, till my mind took me to my dreams.

i was outside in the rain, i was wearing my outfit because i felt no rain on my face or my body from the mask and the cloak, but i felt a strange weight distribution, so i felt back and felt the cold barrel of a sniper rifle slung over my shoulder.

i pulled out my gun, because having this outfit on in a dream could only mean something was about to happen, to my surprise nothing happened for a while till thunder struck and he stood before me, his shadowy presence was eerie, but deadly.

as soon as i stared into his eyes i felt nauseous and i looked slightly lower of his eyes and raised my gun to fire, i had the perfect shot in line, if only i could've moved my finger to shoot, something froze my finger in place and i tried my hardest to push, but the trigger and my finger would not budge.

he smirked "so, this is all?, this is the legendary rainbow dash who swore to kill me, i laugh at this pitiful disgrace of a human" he drew a sword from the shadows, it's blade emanated with a dark aura that seemed like more trouble than help for me.

i quickly tried to turn and run, only to find my legs were locked in place by his shadows, the latched onto my frame and kept me held still, so very very still, i tried to thrash and twist, but i could not be free.

then i felt it, the blade thrust full force into my abdominal region, he smirked as i coughed up blood "such a worthless waste of a human being, i now see why Celestia had given up on you and why you cried when i killed your pitiful wife."

that was the final straw, i stood up from the floor, still bleeding, a hefty cloud escaped from my mask as i raised the gun up to shoot him, but he dissapeared into the shadows, leaving me to die in the rain.

i grew weak and my mind started to fall unconscious from blood loss till i hear faint screaming "Rainbow!, Rainbow Wake Up!" i shook my head and sat up screaming in bed, but the bed was surrounded by shy and daring do with concerned expressions.

"i'm sorry if i woke you all, it was just a nightmare" i said, trying to brush it all aside, but daring scoffed "nightmares don't involve screaming and rough thrashing in the bed, that's usually associated with a night terror."

fluttershy hugged me tightly "just relax rainbow, breathe and relax, the nightmare is over and i'm here with you to keep you safe" daring even got up on the bed and hugged us both is a group hug type of thing "plus you got me dash, we'll keep you safe, so there's no need to worry."

i smiled softly "thanks you two, but we should probably head back to sleep" i said till i looked at the time, seeing it was already six in the morning "oh, never mind, had i been like that all night?"

they both nodded, "yes, you were in such a panic we both decided to stay in here with you till you woke, we took turns sleeping." daring said as she got up off the bed and walked out of the room.

"i'm sorry i kept you and daring awake shy, i'll try to make it up to you two" she shook her head softly "there's no need dashie, we keep each other safe, it's what friends" she quickly kissed my cheek "and wives do." i smiled, a full genuine smile, embracing fluttershy in a hug.

i truly felt safe around her, but i was at danger here, she was at danger by keeping an eye out for me, nothing could stop the future from what could happen.


well, i finally got something to say, writing on tired brain is a terrible idea xD

seriously tho, tired brain+4 hours of sleep= crappy chapters, but i pulled what intelligence i could from my brain for this chapter.

Pinkamena: and you fell asleep half-way through, so i finished it for you thanks to your notes

yes, thank you pinkamena, now, lets be off to bed, i'm exhausted

~H00DAMAN & Pinkamena Diane Pie

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