the only one

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I took a deep breath and decided it's time to go home after a long hour of sitting under my locker crying over a jerk...I totally forgot why I was here in the first place. 

The headache?

 It vanished once I saw him and it was replaced with something worse...

I couldn't bare anything more...completely had enough drama for this day. I was washed out after all what happene so I stood on my two feet and slowly straightened my damaged really looked awful...I ran a hand through my hair as I felt so pathetic... quickly grabbed my school bag before the bell rang...

students were running in the school hallway impatient to go home...

as I was about to leave I felt somebody's presence in front of me I looked over to see a rather familiar face...the girl from the bathroom incident earlier...

what now? Isn't she going to leave me alone...

I bet she's here to revenge...well as if I had the energy to deal with her right now...all I wanted was hot shower my bed and silence not more complication from unwanted people...

" Hey again" she spoke awkwardly, a little smile crossing her face...

I blinked not knowing what should I answer...unfortunately she noticed my red puffy eyes and her smile was replaced with a worried look

 "were you crying?" she asked nervously...

I swiftly looked away... 

" none of your business" I replied coldly as I walked past her not wanting to have a proper chattering...

" wait ! " ....

i stopped so that she continue what she wanted to say and maybe after that set me free...

" actually we are in the same class in case you don't know" she stated...

as if I care...

but seriously how come I wasn't aware of this...maybe because my look in class was always drifting to the window..I wouldn't pay attention to anyone...

maybe also because some sort of monster called Kris wu was sitting in front of me preventing me to notice anyone else... 

"well I am here to tell you that while you skipped the history class today...the teacher asked us to bring our projects tomorrow so she would give us the final mark...and she really insisted that all students must bring theirs or else they will fail that's why I wanted to make sure you know about that" she continued...

actually I was bit's the first time that someone would do that for me...

I felt a bit guilty because of my harsh tone with her...maybe she was a nice person after all..

But no I will never fall into her trip...fake friends are everywhere and.... 

wait! What project? My jaw almost dropped...this can't be happening, the teacher gave it to us a month ago and I still haven't done anything yet...I've got to hurry up....

my day couldn't be any worse...I gave the girl a quick nod and rushed to leave but I heard her yelling something

" by the way I am Hani.....and you're Katy, right?"

 I looked at her one last time and she was waving goodbye at me with her famous smile....this girl really smiles a lot....

"Hani" I repeated to myself...

I'll sure remember her name....

Hannah and Hani what a coincidence...I stupidly smiled to myself...

but at least I hoped they weren't alike...

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I stood in the bus station waiting impatiently for the bus to come...I bounced up and down checking my watch for the hundredth's late! Gosh I needed to go home...I have an undone project due to tomorrow...this day was literally the longest day in my life....I glanced over the street hoping to spot the bus coming and to my shock...I saw him standing few miters away....maybe he was waiting for the bus too....I drew in a deep breath, trying to prepare myself. It wasn't much use though; I don't think any amount of preparation would have helped me. My hand was trembling and my cheek were red as I remembered what took place next to my locker....

luckily he wasn't looking in my direction that's why he haven't noticed me yet...suddenly I heard a squeaky voice screaming 

" oppaaaa"

 we both turned around to be met by this girl who ran over Kris arms as fast as she could...I rolled my that's his new chick... 

My eyes took in her appearance, heavy make-up....

 She would have been pretty if it weren't for the vast amount of cosmetics and make-up plastered over her face. 

I frowned as her hand playfully rested on Kris's chest 

" I really miss you oppa" she stated blinking heavily before placing a kiss on his cheek...

once again I have no questions..It's kris' choice so I wouldn't be really surprised...he smiled because of her action and pinched her nose...

oh this jerk!...

he's travelling up from one women to another every single week...he really pisses me off...the girl laughed and hugged him...don't be that happy lady he will leave you after a week....

suddenly the bus has come to interrupt the lovey dovey eyes still landing on the love birds as I saw kris pulling off his gloves and putting it in his girl-friend's hand 

" the weather is cold...put those in your hand" he ordered...

she smiled sweetly at him 

" thank you oppa"

 "I'm going to walk you home " 

he suggested and with that they both left exchanging smiles....i stood there watching them from behind...I felt a heavy feeling on my chest...the boy who makes my life miserable is the same boy that makes another girl life a is so unfair...he was such a gentleman...a nice sweet boy with everyone...a perfect boyfriend...

but why should I be the only one whom he hates so much...I don't remember doing anything wrong ... my thoughts were interrupted by the complain of the bus driver 

" are you getting in the bus or not?" he asked annoyed....

" Coming" I simply answered...

but before entering I looked one last time at kris' direction feeling an unexplained sadness... Kris wu please tell me what have I done to deserve this treatment?

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