Chapter 8

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-chapter 8-

•Aria POV•

I'm so exhausted to the point where I'm moody at everything. The only thing I want right now is to be sitting down on the couch by the fire and to drift off to sleep. I feel as though the air is too thick to breathe with all of this going on.

To be honest, I don't really know what's going on anyway, I just kind of accompany Marcel.

We're on our way back to Mystic Falls and I'm very glad. I've decided to ask Damon if I can stay with him until I am able to get my own place because Marcel is getting more and more frustrating to accompany.

I didn't ever think he would get me so frustrated to the point I am willing to put up with the Scooby Doo gang for possibly months.

Not that I'd like to overstay my welcome.

"You've already done that. You're meant to be dead." The voice in my head taunted.

I growled under my breath.

I feel like I'm some crazy mental patient. If I saw someone growling at the wind and talking to themselves I'd probably phone a doctor.

As I waited for the car to come to a halt, I stared at the scenery out the car window.

The fields were glazed with slight frost due to the shitty weather we had been getting recently. There were a few seemingly wild cows in them. Their bones were very prominent through their leather skin. I felt bad for them like I did for every animal that I didn't think had a perfect life.
      The sky was still noticeably blue even through the grey clouds. I always loved imagining what they would be if they weren't clouds judging on their shape. That was on the very few occasions Gwen let me look out the window just next to the door to my 'room.'

We passed many fields and for some reason, a constant ringing noise was in my ears. I rub my temples and continue looking out the window, and I spot something very, very disturbingly wrong with a field we were coming up to.

I see a familiar tall man of about 56 and a short woman that looked very like myself maybe aged around 53 standing right behind the fence, holding hands wearing very old clothing. They were staring at me, waiting for me to pass.

My parents.

This is some sick, nightmare.

"You killed them..." The voice taunted.

"S-stop," I whispered in fear.

Marcel didn't seem to have noticed.

The ringing in my ear got louder as I clenched my seat belt tighter, my knuckles going white.

"Marcel stop the car!" I cried.

He looked over at me confused and let out an annoyed noise, "what?"

"Turn back! Don't pass that field, they'll see me, please Marcel!" I cried.

It's not that I didn't want to have my parents back, it's just this doesn't feel right. That's not them, they're dead and had no way of coming back- they weren't supernatural.

Marcel stopped the car a field before my 'parents.'

They just kept staring mindlessly at me. They looked ill and pale, like a lunatic couple from a seriously mentally ill centre. They looked possessed, and it hurt to see them like this and it scared me.

"You murdered those pure, innocent souls." The voice whispered.

" no no, I didn't.." I cried covering my ears, though it was no use- the voice was inside my head.

Marcel took off his seatbelt and reached over to grab my shoulders.

"What? Who will see you?" He asked rubbing my arms, but I kept my gaze over his shoulder to where the two souls stood.

"Marcel please just get us out of here," I whispered as he started putting his seatbelt on again.

I saw tears streaming down the woman's face as she took the knife out of the man's belt. He stood expressionless.

I covered my mouth. She mouths the words 'I love you'.


Before I can point to them to show Marcel, she plunges the knife into the man's stomach before ripping it out and watching him fall. She does to same to herself.

I take off my seatbelt and pull my legs into my arms as I breathe heavily.

I'm going insane.



Sorry this a bit short, I just felt like this ending fitted best.

* I update this story every three days. Comments are appreciated.

- B

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