Chapter 3: My Wolf

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[Quinn POV]

Waking up I was warm and comfortable. That's weird. I usually wake up cold and sore, but not today. There was something soft under my head but I didn't know what it was, I don't even own a pillow. Reaching up I ran my hand over it and it moved! Snatching my hand away I sat up quickly and snapped my eyes open.

It was the wolf! I had though I had been dreaming, so this was a big surprise to me. Shouldn't I be dead? I mean wolves don't get along very well with humans, especially if I was on his territory, which probably was the case. The wolf was still asleep so I reached out and ran my hand along his back slowly, then I moved on to his head and scratched behind his ears and on the top of his head.

As I scratched his head he started to almost rumble. It was like the wolf's equivalent to a purr I concluded. He was still wrapped around me so I could really feel the rumble that seemed to resonate through the wolf. I giggled slightly and continued petting without thinking and the wolf's eyes soon fluttered open.

We stared at each other for a second before he reached his head out to me and licked my face. I pulled away with a big smile and giggled, his tongue was slimy and soft.  The wolf froze for a second before shifting and licking me again, laughing, I tried to push him away playfully but he just stood up so he was hovering over me and attacked my face, head, and neck with his tongue.

By the time he was done I was a fit of giggles and my hair was a mess. The wolf gave a small grin and laid lightly on top of me so I wasn't being crushed but he was completely covering me. I reached up and wrapped my hands around the wolf's neck and nuzzled my face into his throat. The wolf's rumbling seemed to get more intense and I heard his tail start to thump on the ground. Other then that it was silent.

Suddenly, there was a loud howl somewhere in the distance and it startled me so much that I released my hands from the wolfs neck and my head slammed into the hard stone ground. I hissed in pain and squeezed my eyes shut. The wolf whimpered and gave me a soft lick and nudged my face with his nose.

"I'm fine," I assured him with my eyes still closed, "just hit my head." The wolf whined again and stood up from me. I shivered from the loss of warmth and sat up slowly. Rubbing the back of my head softly I winced. There was no blood but there was a bump that was going to take a while to go away.

I growled in annoyance and tried to stand up but started to sway in dizziness. The wolf was by me in a second and I placed my hand on his back for support. Shaking my head to get rid of the dizziness I looked to the wolf. We made eye contact and I gave him a soft smile to let him know I was fine. He didn't seem to believe me but didn't do anything else.

I looked down at my watch, one of the only pieces of technology that I owned, and gasped at the time. It was almost nine in the morning and my dad would be up at ten. I had to be home to make him breakfast before he woke up, or else. I started pacing and pulling my hair with one hand and biting my nails on the other. I know it is a bad habit to bite my nails but with all that is going on in my life breaking a bad habit was not on the top of my list. I started to hyperventilate and the nail that I was chewing was starting to bleed.

The wolf watched me with worried eyes but I paid no mind to him. I was trying to figure out what to do. It would take me at least an hour and a half to make back to my house and that was if I ran, so that wasn't an option. I didn't have any friends so I had nowhere else to go, hence why I am in in cabin in the middle of the woods in the first place. If I came home late and he saw me I would be beat. If I didn't come home today and he saw me on a later date I would get beat worse. If I didn't come home at all he would find me and beat me even worse, or just kill me.

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