Chapter 6: Fear and Love

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Thank you to pierce_the_kellic16 for editing the photo to fit my story!! You rock!!

This chapter is dedicated to LauraBremnerking for being my first follower of hopefully many more to come! Thank you so much!!

(Quinn POV)

Everything hurt. That wasn't new though. My chest hurt and my back really hurt. My eyes were closed as I went over all of the injures. My throat was sore, my head hurt, my back hurt, by chest was tight and I felt really dirty.

I lay there for another moment before I cracked my eyes open slowly and painfully. It took me less then a second to figure out that I was not in my room or the cottage. The first give away was the bed, which I had in neither my house of the cottage and the second was the warmth. My house hasn't had any heating since we couldn't afford it, and by we I mean me because I am the only one in my house that works and there are three of us in my house including me.

It was me and two other evil men. They are my family but after what they continue to do to me I don't consider them my family anymore.

As I started to remember them my head started to hurt, really bad. I clutched my head in my hands trying to make the pain go away but it was only increasing. I was starting to have a panic attack on top of that too and to make matters worst I heard footsteps coming towards the door that led to my room.

I sat up and looked to the door but I kept my hands on my aching head as I tried to calm down. The door was flung open to show three very worried looking people. One girl and, oh god, two guys. The girl let out a startled gasp when she was me and rushed over to my side. I curled up into myself when I caught sight of the guys and my breaths were coming quick and shallow.

The girl rushed over to one side of my bed and to my horror one of the guys rushed over to the opposite side of the girl. The girl was shushing and cooing at me and it would have helped if the other guy weren't so close to me. I was clutching my head in a death hold still as the guy closest to me reached out to me. I watched his hand the whole way and as he got close I flinched away from his hand and let out a scared whimper. I didn't know what he was going to do to me, but he was a guy so it shouldn't be good.

Instead of getting hit like I was expecting the guy snatched his hand back and took a step away form me with a shocked look. I had to admit that this guy didn't look too intimidating and if I wanted to I could probably beat him in a fight but that would only get me a bad punishment.

The girls shushing and cooing was starting to clam me down more now that there was more space between the two guys and me. I kept my eyes glued on the guys so I could prepared if they made a move towards me but they were just standing still. I felt the girl place her hand on one of my arms and gently pry it away form my head and when she successfully got my arms from around my head she placed her hand on the top of my head in a reassuring way. I leaned into her touch and turned my body towards the girl.

I reached out and buried my hands in her shirt and buried my head into her torso, looking for comfort. She wrapped her arms around me and started saying slightly. Being totally terrified I started bawling again as I tried to burry myself the in the nice ladies shirt.

As I cried I heard the soft sounds of foot-steps and peaked over my shoulder to see the biggest guy I have ever seen slowly approaching me. I froze and stared at him in terror. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked to me with worry.

"Devon," the lady said quietly, "will you take Chris and give us a moment please?" she asked sweetly but with a hint of worry.

The man, Devon, nodded a yes and grabbed the other guy, Chris, who seemed to be frozen and left the room. He shut the door quietly and I immediately started to calm down.

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