Chapter 11: The Strange Wolf

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Ok so this is what Cooper looks like but he has a few more scars! It may be a bit graphic so be aware.

Devon's POV

The sound of the strange wolfs howl was still echoing through the house as Quinn let out a tired sigh and slowly stood up from behind me. He stood but kept a firm hold on me like he was going to fall any second and I keep a close eye on him. I didn't know this Cooper and I didn't trust him as of right now. Quinn buried his face into my fur and mumbled cutely.

"I should go out before he has a hissy fit," he mumbled.

I gave a short growl at that. Just who did this guy think he was, making Quinn worry like that. I looked to Quinn and he met my eyes.

"You can come too if you want. He isn't going to do anything to me. Just let me talk to him though, he is a very good fighter and I don't want you to get hurt."

I scoffed internally at that; there was no way in hell that this newcomer could hurt me. I was an Alpha for a reason. I just huffed in agreement to his proposal to accompanying him and Quinn released his hold on me.

Quinn started to head out of the room and I followed closely to his side with the pack following. With Quinn leading we eventually found our way to the back door and he opened the door, letting in the fresh air. I stepped into the porch and saw no one in the yard and with a sniff I could smell no one either. I tensed up at this. If I could hear his howl then I should be able to smell him.

Quinn seemed to notice that I was tense and rubbed my head softly and succeeded in calming me down slightly.

"Wait here please," he told me. I looked at him, unsure, but stayed on the porch. I trusted him and if this Cooper decided to do anything the pack and I were only a few yards away.

Quinn stepped into the grass and walked a little ways away looking for his friend.

"Cooper," he called out. There was no sound "Cooper!" he tried again. "Coop-," out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur run up to my mate and sweep him up. I was prepared to give chase but relaxed slightly when the person didn't run but just swung my mate around while still holding him.

I was growling and jealous. Only I could hug my mate!

"Q! I finally found you! You had me worried, I thought I was going to have to get the swat team and the helicopters after you!" the man said in a playful but serious voice.

"Because you just have a swat team and helicopters at your disposal," Quinn said sarcastically, which surprised me because I haven't yet heard him be sarcastic. "I'm fine Coop," he assured the man that was still holding him.

The man gave my mate one last light hug before placing him back on his feet. He looked over to the porch to see us watching intently. The pack was silent and I was fuming. If looks could kill he would be three feet under.

"Whoa," he said cockily with his hands on his hips, "who kicked their puppy?" he whispered to my mate, but he knew we could still hear.

This wolf was strange. He seemed to act like a pup but he could be no younger then eighty. He had scars marring the left side of his face and he has short blond hair. He seemed goofy but he also had a dangerous air about him.

            "I think you did," My told him with a small smile making me even more jealous. That smile belonged to me! UGH!

"Well they deserved it," Cooper said pouting with has arms crossed, "they took my Quinny from me and didn't tell me!"

Quinny? QUINNY?!? He even had a nickname for MY mate. I was going to strangle this man when I got my hands on him

"What are you, my secretary?" Quinn asked Cooper with a laugh.

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