Chapter 26: Waffle Break

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Quinn POV

Owen jumped to his feet and gently flipped Cooper to his back. I knew something like this was going to happen with Cooper, he is so dramatic that it gets to him like this sometimes. I huffed and hid more behind Devon as the pack looked us both over in shock. Devon just continued to smile and he seemed to be in his own little world.

Stephanie stood up and gave me thumbs up before leaning down to check on Cooper. Before she could even touch him Cooper shot to his feet and flung himself at me with tears in his eyes. Before Devon or I could react I was tackled to the ground in an aggressive hug as the wind was nocked out of me. Devon growled in anger and yanked Cooper off of me by the back of his shirt as he threw Cooper back at Owen, who caught his mate easily.

I quickly regained my breath as Devon hauled me to my feet and looked me over in worry. His previous other world look was not gone as he checked me for injuries, "Devon, I'm fine," I insisted. He looked at me unsure but just pulled me into his hard chest as he hugged me gently. "Don't you owe me some waffles?" I asked as I let him hug me.

"Your right!" He exclaimed as he hit his forehead with his hand and rushed to the kitchen.

"Devon you better not set one foot in my kitchen, you hear?" Chris yelled angrily as he stormed after Devon, "You know just how well you can cook and unless you want to poison your mate then I suggest you PUT THE MIXER DOWN!"

A small scuffle could be heard from the kitchen, and then it was quiet. They must have resolved their disagreement. As I giggled at their antics I looked back to the pack to see them beaming at me; slowly, Eli came up to me and gave me a much gentler hug then Cooper had done. Hugging him back he soon released me and smiled broadly.

"Now we will have little trouble makers running around the house!" he teased with a smile.

"I think we already have a trouble maker in our midst," I told him sending a pointed look to Cooper who was struggling in his mates hold.

"Owen!" Cooper yelled as he struggled in his mates hold, "You better let me go if you know what's good for ya!"

Owen chuckled as he held Cooper closer, "Or what?" he teased.

Cooper froze before letting out a sly smile. I covered my mouth with my hand to cover my own smile; Owen had just declared war on himself.

"You've done it now!" Cooper yelled with a smile, "I am a master Pokémon trainer and you just unleashed my wrath! Squirtle, use water cannon!" he yelled as he pulled out a small pocket sized water gun and shot Owen in the face with it. "Now Wheezy, use confusion!" as Owen was trying to get the water out of his eyes Cooper threw more glitter into the air and let it rain down on the two of them.

"It seems to have no effect!" I called out in an announcers voice as I watched the two in amusement.

"Not Wheezy! Ok Owen, you asked for it!" Cooper declared as he reached into his pockets again and came out with a pen. "I didn't want to have to resort to this, but you leave me no choice! Pikachu, use thunderbolt!" Cooper yelled as he pressed the clicky end of the pen to Owen's arm, and he yelped in surprise.

I could tell from Owen's reaction that this was Coopers shock pen. It let out a small shock when you try to click it, nothing harmful, just surprising. Cooper pressed the pen down all over Owen's arms in quick succession and Owen released his hold in surprise. Cooper landed on his feet with his hands in the air, then he pressed one fisted hand on his hip and pointed to Owen in victory.

"Its super effective!" I yelled in fake amazement.

"You got that right!" Cooper yelled, "Team rocket blasting off!" Cooper yelled as he fist pumped and skipped over to me. I held my arms out as he engulfed me in a hug, but he was a lot calmer then the first time and actually gave me a proper hug.

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