Chapter 27: Alone Time

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Cooper's POV

***** I wanted to do Coopers POV for his fight with Carlyle because I though it would be funny to see what he was thinking. You're welcome!!! ****

After I left the small and happy family together in the kitchen after I made sure they would be fine I plopped down on the empty sofa. Making sure to sit as far away from Owen as I could I didn't even spare him a glance, I wasn't mad at all that he didn't know what Pokémon was but I knew that me sitting far away from him would press his buttons and I loved to get him riled up. He jut had the best reactions, and he also tolerates me the best. I really love that man.

My head tilted back with a smile, I'm happy I'm one of the few people who can make Quinn happy; he needs all of the happiness he can get. A slight bickering came from the kitchen and looking up I saw Quinn come skipping out with a fond smile plastered on his face. He spotted me and plopped down at my side as he leaned into me. Wrapping my arm around his shoulder like I have done so many times I puled him into my shoulder as he closed his eyes. I knew he was tired so I let him rest.

AS he lay, Jay and the demon came into the room. I was ok with Jay but after everything that Carlyle has done to Quinn, I can't even consider them brothers. My arm tightened on Quinn as I sneered at Carlyle.

"Look what the cat dragged in," I hissed, "Sadly, it's still alive." My hard eyes never left Carlyle as he glanced over to me, unimpressed.

"Ha ha," he called in a dry tone. Jerk.

Jay went to the love seat and patted the side for Carlyle, but Carlyle was too busy staring at my arm that was still around Quinn to notice his mate. Getting annoyed with his blank stare I snapped at him.

"What?" I yelled to him, I was really getting pissed and I do not make smart choices when I'm pissed.

"Why are you touching my brother?" He asked sternly.

The nerve of him! He abused Quinn for years and he's mad that I have a loving arm around him! Me! The person who has been with him through the bad and the worse! My arm tightened even more around Quinn in a protective manner.

"I've been his friend longer then you have been his brother," I challenged and declared to demon.

"I've been his brother his whole life you dunce," Carlyle contradicted.

Well then, if were going to paly like this, let's play.

"Well," I started smugly and with no fear, "considering that I don't consider you Quinn's brother based on your actions towards him, then yes, I have been his friend longer then you have been his brother!" I was seething and I saw a bad decision in my future.

*****These next parts are in German again*****

I could tell that that got to the bastard when he switched to his native language, "You have no opinion in the matter!" he growled.

"Like shit it doesn't!" I yelled in anger, "I'll only consider you Quinn's brother when you prove that you are worthy of it!"

Like that will ever happen.

"What do you think I've been trying to do my whole life?" Carlyle yelled, but his voice started to get slowly lower, "I've only thought of Quinn! Everything that I have done has been for him and how I may make his life better!" by the end he was whispering and he couldn't look me in the eye.

Good, the fucker better feel bad. I'm the Alpha here! Well, technically Devon is, but I'm the Alpha of the conversation so take that!

"I know you're trying Carlyle," Quinn spoke up for the first time. I'm honestly surprised that he could even talk to his abuser. If it were me I would be decking him in the face. With my foot.

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