Late Night Convosations

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Bruh I'm tired as fuck right now. Sugar high has crashed.

Damn. You good or you wanna go to bed or another option I haven't thought of?

What other option do you mean? Sneaking out to stare at the Xmas lights down the road?

No... Maybe, but that isn't exactly it. Aunt Chris crushed my idea of sleeping on hard wood, so that closes that, and the bed doesn't really seem that appealing, and right here is kinda okay, but I'm hot. Any other ideas?

Performing a ritualistic snow dance outside?


Ok. I'm too tired to talk so you have to sing, I'll get a goat to sacrifice and make myself a tentacle beard with my fingers so summon it like Jack Sparrow it the fourth pirates of the Caribbean :3

Before anything like that...
We need completely unrelated looking hats.

There's a Blue Jay's hat in the spare bedroom and there's a skeleton mask in the Halloween box? Maybe a furry hat in the closet.

We should actually do that tomorrow. Tonight, dancing isn't an option or my bones will shatter. My shoulders ache from holding up the IPad.

Pfft, whatever. We can't do it in the daylight, it only works at night time.

Want me to go get the hats or come up with the chant, then?

I'll get the hats.

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