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***Rose's POV***

When the boys entered the stage they were all smiling except the curly one. Michelle noticed as well.

"Harry looks sad" she said. "Yeah he does." was all i said.

Michelle smiled really much. I looked at all the other fans, they looked like they were goin to pass out or somthing. I thought that this One Direction thing was a little overestimated. They was not overwhelmingly good. But i had to admit that they were all really good-looking.

"Wait a few years and i will might have kids with one of these." Michelle said laughing.

"I thought you liked that boy Jonas from my band?" I asked but i really wasn't that intrestet in who she liked. I wasn't a big gossip girl.

"Well he is my plan B" She laughed.

"That's mean, and what if they don't want you?" i said.

She looked quite surprised, "What makes you think that?" she asked.

"It could happen that not evry boy would fall for you. But if i was a boy, we would probably be a cupple. But you can never read boys, they're boys. They only like girls by their look."

Michelle looked a bit shocket, then she just cracked "Rose that was really deep" She laughed.

My last realtionship went bad, he cheated on me because i was no fun he said. I just wasn't ready to have sex or anything with him. So he went behind my bag. But really if he couldn't wait for me to get ready, he wasn't worth it. I hated that guy now, he's name's Rick.

Michelle seemed to enjoy the concert, and between the songs she would say "WE HAVE REALLY GOOD SEATS" I just nodded. Well and i wouldn't say i didn't enjoy the concert. The only one who didn't seem to enjoy the concert was the curly guy on the stage. But i really had to admit, he was handsome.

The concert went really well, and after the concert michelle and i were about to walk back to the car.

"Were are you going girls?" My dad asked.

"To the car i think, unless i'm going in the wrong direction then i wouldn't be going to the car." Michelle giggled really much, like really much.

"What?" I asked

"You said direction." She said giggly.

"And i thought Rose was wierd." My dad said.

"Heeeeeyy" Michelle and i said at the same time.

"Well it's just that bob asked if we wanted to go backstage, and there is some people i know there that i would like to talk to about something important. And i'm sure you can come also."

"Okay" i Just said simply, Michelle just stood there speechless. She managed to open her mouth "are...y-y-ou.... s-s-s-seriou-u-us?" She stuttered. My dad just simply nodded and smiled at the same time. She fumbled with her bag, and her hands were shaking. "Hey" I grabbed her arm "no need to be nervous, they are sure just some dickheads anyways" i said with the same voice as my sister. She giggled. I didn't think Michelle liked my sister that much, and my sister clearly didn't like Michelle at all. My sisters friends were all anoying and hated me. They all made fun of me.

Michelle was close to crying what are these guys doing to all girls, i mean they won't get me. I hated when people was in love with peope they had never met. I simply didn't like it. They don't even know the person. I totally understand when people are fans of them and know a little bit about them. But these guys fans know so much about them. I would never be able to handle if anybody knew so much about me, i loved having a lot of privacy. They don't have any.

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