Chapter II

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“We got the poachers under surveillance and we’re perfectly settled in a safe location.” Corey commented happily.

“You’re right, this will be over with in a month tops!” Lucas agreed.

“I wonder what those girls are doing.” Seth said across the tent

“Probably mooning around, having no idea what they’re doing.” Lucas snorted, squashing his pillow with his elbow as he started to sharpen his favorite dagger.

“You need to learn some respect.” James mocked from the top bunk. “Honestly, they’re such prisses, we’ve got this in the bag.”

“Don’t be so sure.” Will cut in. This drew stares from the rest of the group. Will hadn’t spoken once yet. “As all of you know, they’re prodigies, not to mention they’re girls which makes them totally unpredictable.”

Nods and murmurs of assent from around the tent.

“These girls could be  a  lot more powerful than we think. In order to get credit, and maintain our dignity, we have to put them out of the race.”


“You mean-” Seth ventured.

“Yes, you know what I mean.” Will grinned evilly. “We’re gonna sabotage the girls. Get ready, boys. We leave at dawn.”


“Those boys drive me nuts!”, fumed Momo.

“Although Seth was kind of cute..” Sera murmured dreamily from her laptop.

Lena looked at her,  opened-mouthed. “You told him he was stupid, smacked the crap out of him and now you like him?”

Sera blinked at her innocently, “What?” A beep came from her laptop. “Hey, guys.. I found out something about the gas coming from the exhaust vents of the Eve HQ that you might want to see-”

“No! That’s not important right now, the boys may be on to something. We need to finish this!” Daisy said, determined.

“But.. our mission-“

“Wait, what?”  Momo shrieked. “Are we going to sabotage the boys?”

Lillian was grim-faced. “It’s the only way.”

Lena spoke up, “Okay fine. What’s the plan?”

“Well,” Lillian muttered. “Knowing that dirty Will and his band of merry men, they probably figured the same thing, but wait—“ she paused. “What was that?!”


The noise got louder with every boom.

It sounded like grenades.


Suddenly, they were in the open. Their tent was burned to shreds. The members of the tem were momentarily blinded by all the flying dirt.

“Everybody get down!” Desia hissed. “We don’t know who they are but grab what you can and scram! Chances are they’re not girl scouts! Now go, go, go!”

Running at top speed, the girls spilt up.  About 26 minutes later, they regrouped a few hundred meters from their destroyed camp site. Not nearly winded, Lillian took role-call.

“Where’s Lena?” A scream echoed though the dense Russian forest confirming her fears.

Sera held a slip of paper between her fingers. “A note, from the boys.”

She held it out for the rest to see.

Dear feminine humanoids,

We love what you did to the place. Good luck starting over again. See you at the finish line.


Your Lovers.

“Somehow, I don’t think bombing us is the only way their planning on sabotaging us.”Momo commented.

“They must’ve taken Lena.” Daisy snarled.

“Guys, I have to tell you something I discovered about the Evolutionists. It’s really important-” Sera whimpered.

“Shut up, Sera. We need to get Lena back.” Lillian replied, and started to scheme with Daisy.

“I’m the oldest, dammit! And what I have to say is really important!” Sera screeched.

She blinked. The rest of her team was running off into the forest, no doubt in search of the boys.


Daisy stepped through the tent flaps of the boy’s HQ.

“What the hell?” James screamed. “Why are you here?”

Daisy’s eyes burned with a fire none of the boys had noticed before. “Return. Lena.” she seethed. “Now.”

“Whaa? We don’t have one of your stupid girls!” Lucas stood up indignantly, but then hit his head on the supporting pole of the tent and sat back down, cursing.

“He’s telling the truth, you know.”

Will’s face appeared from behind a computer, and he ran his hand through his slick black hair.

Corey finished Will’s sentence –“ It wasn’t us, if you were smart enough to figure that out. It was the poachers.”

“I told you so!” came Sera’s muffled voice from outside the tent.

“But-” Corey narrowed his eyes.

“Since you’re here…”


“Well this sucks.” Lillian sighed, struggling against her bonds. Momo whimpered. The remaining four members of the girl’s team had been tied up and left behind at the ruined HQ.

Sera mumbled to herself, in hushed angry whispers. “I told you so. I told you it was a trap. But nooo, nobody ever listens to me! I feel like a stripper. I’m tied to a tree, for God’s sake. I hate you so much right now, Daisy. And I hate Corey. I hate Corey a lot. And Will, he gets a nice big ol’ slice of Sera hate too. Oh, he’s gonna get it..”

“I can’t believe they would do that..” Momo whined.

Sera made a twirling gesture with her hand, activating the laser in the cuff of her sleeve, slicing through the chains. She started on Momo’s bonds and was nearly done with Lillian’s when a cheery female voice interrupted her.

“Looks like you guys got into quite the poo filled pickle! I’m Noelle, by the way.” Noelle sliced the rest of the girl’s bond and clapped her hands loudly.

“Now.” she said. “Would any of you ex-damsels in distress like to fill me in?”

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