Chapter IX

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“Work together?! That’s ridiculous!” Lillian spat. “Why would we want to work with you?!”

“Well, let me think about that. Your little friend Lena is in trouble, and you want to face scientists with death rays and thousands of reinforcements, -grunts, I like to call them- when you’re totally outnumbered. You have absolutely no idea what you’re going to do next without Sera. And lastly, f you don’t join us, I’m afraid you’re not ever going to get Sera back.” Will mused.

Lillian was in a rage. Not only because Will had just insulted her battle plan but because he thought that they couldn’t handle themselves without Sera!

“Wait you have Sera?!”

Sure, Sera was really helpful in general, but they were a specialty group and were trained to handle the toughest situations in trios, pairs, and alone. In most situations, Momo, Lillian and Sera were a Level 4 team. In terms of difficulty, the worst was Level 5, but usually the problem was eradicated before it even poked a toe in Level 4 waters. Lena and Daisy were a first-response Level 3 and Noelle usually worked as a solo Level 3 agent.

“It should be an easy decision. “ Will said. “Unless you’re so unprofessional that your oafish ego stands in the way.”

Lillian was about to do something rash when Noelle put a restraining hand on her shoulder. “We’ll do it.” Noelle told Will. The she glanced at the shocked Lillian sympathetically, “Sorry, hun but I can’t let you beat the tar out of him just yet.”

“Fine with me. “ Will said. “At least someone has their wits about them.” He looked at Lillian.

“Follow me.”

Will led through the forest with a swaggered gait as if he was walking to the opening of his multi-million dollar corporation. Lillian muttered curses under her breath just loud enough that Will could hear. At the climax of her anger, where she had gone for 2 minutes without taking a breath between profanities, Will turned mid-step and blew Lillian a kiss. The girl seethed in her steps gripping her dagger until her knuckles turned white. Will let out a mischievous grunt and sauntered on.

Soon enough, they arrived at camp, just in time to see Sera plant a kiss a pink-faced Seth, “and that’s for nursing me back to health-”

“Calm your hormones!” Will bellowed to a dazed Seth, who nodded frivolously and quickly dove into the nearest tent.

“Sera!” Momo squealed, enveloping the brunette in a lung-crushing hug.  “And you!” Will screamed, grabbing Sera by the arm, “Don’t you ever touch-”

Now, Sera was tired, a little bleary from the poisoning and in a daring mood. With a swing of her arm, Sera punched Will in the jaws with all her might. She dusted off her arm from Will’s touch as if it held cooties and grinned at her leader. “I’m sorry, Lillian. That asshole deserved it.”

“Aw, c’mon!” Lillian yelled at Noelle. “How come Seraphina gets to punch William and I don’t?!”

“Seraphina knows how to control herself.” Noelle sang. Lillian cursed under her breath and looked down at Will, who was moaning and holding his jaw. She bent down to whisper in his ear. “I’ll get you next time. You can be sure of it.” She stood and gave the boy a kick in the gut.

“You’re lucky I’m not allowed to hurt girls.” he seethed.


Daisy had been avoiding Lucas all day. She couldn’t quite pinpoint who the boy was. But he looked so familiar… a memory that burned inches from her grasp. Always looking away when his eyes caught hers, slipping into the shadows when he came near. Hiding from someone was difficult in such a small camp but Daisy was an expert. She managed to successfully evade him until the evening meal. Sitting around a small smokeless fire, everyone was happy and fully fed. Even Corey seemed to have eaten his fill. Lillian and Will had been picking fights all day with one another, but it just seemed like an excuse to be together.

Hoping to get away from the bustle of the girls and the guys figuring out which person to bunk with, Daisy volunteered to stay after and clean up. (Since the guys had their own tents to accommodate their role in the group they would probably bunk with girls that had the same talents. James need bunch of tech, Seth was medicine, Lucas; combat and so on. And there was an extra tent big enough for one person. Noelle would probably take it.)

Lucas volunteered too. That means she probably be bunking with him. Daisy let out a sigh and immediately regretted it. Lucas laughed, “I’ll do all the work if you don’t want to.”

“No, it’s okay.” Daisy started to clean-up and stay away from Lucas simultaneously. When they finished, Daisy started to leave when Lucas’s words stopped her in her tracks.

“I don’t blame you.” a grim laugh. “In fact, I thank you. If you had helped me, I’d have been sheltered for the rest of my life. But..” he gestured. “Look where I am now. Just where you are. Just where I wanted to be. Thank you, Daisy. For making me as bad-ass as I am now.” The boy gave a playful bow in her direction.

“You’re welcome, Lucas.” Daisy mumbled and hurried away- so he wouldn’t see her blush.


Arguing was erupting from the front of the tents. “We’re not chickens! We can’t all fit in one tiny tent!” yelled Lillian, her face hot with rage. James patted her on the shoulder, voicing what Daisy knew in her head. “We-” he gestured at the boys, “Each have tents fitted to our role. That means we can’t move, even for the night-” Will interrupted, “-so you have to bunk with one of us.” Lillian froze with a facial expression similar to one on death row. Then she fainted. Will had winked at her.

Sera glared at Will, her stare frosty with meaning. “Dammit.” He mumbled, rubbing the bruise on his jaw. “I’m gonna have to sleep with a girl who wants my head on a stick.” He took the unconscious Lillian in his arms and carried her toward his tent.

“Useless sacks of skin, you are.” Corey mumbled. Noelle’s head snapped toward him. Noelle’s hands flew to her hips, where she kept her favorite weapons, whipping out shining twin daggers; she put one at Corey’s throat. “Who are you calling useless? Meet Bill,” she flourished the dagger in her left hand, “And Sir Pius the Third.” Corey paled. Noelle took his shoulder and steered him toward his tent. “I’ve got this covered.” she said, grinning maliciously at the onlookers, before pushing him inside with a fierce shove.

Momo laughed. “Let’s hope everyone’s alive in the morning!” James spun toward her and bowed deeply, “Hello, fellow technician.”

Seth coughed, “Nerd.”

“Would you do me the honor of lodging in my humble high tech tent?” James continued, ignoring Seth.

Momo giggled the sound resonating like tinkling bells. “That would be lovely.” She placed her hand in his and almost immediately they were conversing on the speed of light and elasticity of rubber ducks.

Lucas politely invited Daisy into his tent and soon only Seth and Sera were left in the clearing.

Seth looked down at Sera smiling amiably. “You’re so cute!” Sera squealed looking into his eyes. They were such a deep black, that they flashed silver, and the only thing she could see was her reflection in his eyes, as if she was the only thing on his mind… Seth blushed deeply at the comment and picked up Sera, throwing her over his shoulder and walking toward his tent.

“I’m not cute.” he mumbled, embarrassed and pouting.

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