Chapter 7

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As they walked through the forest, Kiyoko could feel people watching them. Well, Chimera Ants. The dark night was lit up by the moon as they walked. Moonlight shined down through the trees. Kite came to a stop, and Kiyoko glanced around.

"We're surrounded," he said, and she nodded. "Their numbers are great." A frog Chimera Ant slammed into the ground in front of Kite.

"Now, then... Let's decide order and methodology. As for our targets, you have three choices. One... Decide the order in which you will fight. Two, attempt to escape. Three, give up and let us capture you. If you choose option one, you will fight one-on-one battles with us for a chance to survive. I don't recommend the second option. You'll anger us, resulting in a brutal capture and prolonged suffering for all of you. Option three is out of the question. That would anger us even more than option two." The dust cleared to show a whole bunch of different looking Chimera Ants surrounding them. "So, what will you do?"

"We couldn't have asked for a better deal," Kite said. "One-on-one fights with their Captains. We'll start with whoever is prepared to fight."

"I'll go," Killua said.

"No, I will," Gon said. They turned their gazes on each other.

"First comes rock!" they shouted. "Rock, paper, scissors!" Gon held out rock while Killua held out scissors.

"You lose!" Kiyoko said poking Killua's cheeks. "You'll get your turn though." She grinned as Gon stepped forward.

"Okay, I'm first!"

"Well, we need to decide who to send from our side," a dog Chimera Ant said. A insect Chimer Ant shook something and a number popped out. "Number six... Number six! Who's number six?" An armadillo Ant stepped forward.

"Lucky me!" it laughed.

"Baro?" the frog asked.

"How will the victor be decided?" Gon asked.

"Eh? That should be obvious," Baro replied. "Whoever dies first loses."

"We can't just surrender?"

"What?! Are you crazy? If you lose, we'll feed you to the Queen. If you don't defeat me, you're guaranteed to die!"

"Yeah, I'm okay with that. But there's no need for you to die. If I beat you, I won't want to eat you." Baro growled in anger. "If you surrender, you'll live. But if you lose, you must promise to never eat another human." The other Chimera Ants began laughing.

"This guy isn't taking us seriously!"

"He has more pep than any human I've seen! Lucky you, Baro!"

"I'll kill you!" Baro shouted. He lunged forward, rolling into a ball straight at Gon. Gon jumped and the armadillo rolled into the tree a few feet away. "You managed to dodge that one. Then how about this?" He turned back into a ball and shot towards Gon. Gon jumped to the left, and a tail flickered out and changed the armadillo's direction. It slammed into Gon and continued rolling until he was slammed into a tree.

"Gon!" Killua shouted. 

"I'm fine," Gon replied as the dust cleared.

"Why are you so tough?" Baro asked while laughing. "By this point, the rest were vomiting organs. Whatever... Just need a few more times. There's no way to dodge my homing roll! Kid, I have something to tell you before I kill you. The main reason we kill humans isn't to eat them or feed them to the Queen."

"Then why?"

"Because it's fun! I love the sound as humans vomit their own organs with a plop! It's hilarious because it looks like barf."

"That isn't funny." Gon began stepping forward and Baro jumped back and rolled back into a ball.

"I'll make you vomit your own organs with a plop, too!" Gon's Ken flared. Baro used his tail to speed himself up as he rolled toward Gon. Gon held out his hands and Baro made contact. Dust flew up around them and quickly cleared to show Gon trying to slow Baro down. He picked Baro up while Baro was still rolling.

"Compared to Razor's spikes," Gon started as he began crushing Baro, "this is nothing!" He fully crushed Baro. Gon threw him to the side as his aura began dying down.

"Well, we're in a hurry," Killua said stepping forward. "Who's my opponent?"

"Hey!" the frog said and the insect Ant shook the container and another number appeared.

"Number three. Number three's up!"

"You won't be smiling for long," a rhino Ant said. "I'm about to show you hell. Got it? I'm nothing like the trash over there."

"Trash?" Gon said becoming angry.

"Huh? I said trash because he's trash. I'm ten times stronger than that guy."

"Oh, that's nothing to brag about," Killua said.

"What was that?!" The battle started. Killua approached the rhino Ant and after-images appeared. They surrounded the rhino. The rhino ran at one and the images disappeared causing him to headbutt a tree. Killua approached him and his nails sharpened. Still not realizing Killua was right in front of him, Killua aimed for his heart, but his attack bounced off. The rhino laughed. "My entire body is covered by hardened skin." Killua backed away and disappeared. Lightning shot at the rhino's chest and then Killua appeared behind him. "I can take as many of those attacks as you can throw!"

"Oh, yeah?" Killua disappeared and lightning shot at the rhino from many different places with only a couple of seconds interval. Finally, his skin began to crack. He began swinging and Killua appeared by his swung arm. He struck his hand through the rhino's chest and blood poured out from the opposite side. He fell to the ground limply, and Kiyoko grinned. "Is there anyone ten times stronger than this guy?"

"Even if their was, ten times ten is still zero. Now, it's my turn. No need to draw numbers," Kiyoko said an evil grin crossing her face. She activated her Lightning Mode, a pink tint surrounding her body. Her En poured out around her and covered Killua, Gon, and Kite. "I'll finish this with one attack." A bow formed in her hand along with a super charged arrow. She aimed it up towards the sky and shot it. It flew through the air quickly. It went past the clouds and disappeared. A moment later, thousands of lightning arrows rained down. "Lightning Storm!" The Chimera Ants looked up in shock and horror as the lightning arrows cut through them. Once the lightning died down, the remnants of the Ants laid out around them.

"I see," Kite said. "You used your En as a shield. Once your lightning aura hit your aura, it would disperse, protecting anyone you did not want harmed."

"Yup!" Kiyoko said with a grin and as she became a bit lightheaded. "Crap, that used up too much aura."

"She took all of them out," Gon mumbled in shock.

"Just what kind of training was she doing?" Killua asked wide eyed.

"Be cautious as we advance," Kite said. "As I mentioned, that won't be enough to kill them immediately. Some of those arrows may have just separated the body and head. Are you okay? It's only getting worse from here. If you start to sympathize with the enemy, you won't be able to handle what's coming."

"I'm fine," Gon replied. "I have no sympathy for bugs who call each other trash."

"Are you okay, Kiyoko?"

"I'll be fine. I didn't use up all of my aura. Anyways, we need to get going. I'll regain my aura on the way. Let's finish this."

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